Anonymous ID: 7f8513 June 13, 2024, 8:04 a.m. No.21016700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6798 >>6988 >>7035

>>21015672 LB

>>21015594 LB


The “Finders” Cult:

A Cia Front Caught Red-handed in 1987 Trafficking Child Sex Slaves in Global Operation


Little is known or been written about an enormously significant event that took place just over three decades ago involving a bizarre cult called the Finders. This presentation will examine all available documented evidence that includes recent, never before released public records from the police and US Customs investigations.[1] Other than a couple conspicuous mainstream media articles from February 1987 and a final follow-up in 1994, the critical importance of this “mysterious” group sometimes called “Finders Keepers” and its operation have largely been lost to the public. Despite the name – Finders Keepers – denoting procurers or finders of children kept as pedophile slaves, the CIA front that trafficked children for the elite has by careful design remained an obscure, strange footnote in history. But this gross omission conveniently disregards the compelling evidence acting as tangible proof that the Finders was a CIA front organization caught in the act of abducting and moving very young children across both US state lines as well as international borders, functionally serving as a first conduit link to the highly organized child sex slave trafficking pipeline controlled by the most powerful evildoers on earth. And it’s no accident that this scandal centered in Washington DC was operating at the exact same time and place as the very much related Franklin scandal occurring throughout the Reagan-Bush years of the 1980’s. The Franklin scandal is directly linked to the Vice President and President-to-be, pedophile drug lord and international child pusher George H.W. Bush,[2] and will be taken up in full detail in Chapter 13.

Both of these two scandals, the Finders and Franklin from 30 years ago, along with the temporally co-occurring high profile daycare scandals already covered in Chapter 8, are the pedo-forerunners having direct relevance and connection to today’s Pizzagate turned PedoGate scandal. During the ensuing three decades the worldwide child trafficking network at least in the United States simply submerged a little more underground, but never ever stopped flourishing. Chapters 4-7 dealt with the centuries old sodomy committed regularly by the Catholic Church that willfully kept their sex crimes tightly under wraps until this century. Chapters 10 and 11 further exposed the ongoing globalized child trafficking network typically entrenched in combat zones during the 1990’s Bosnia and Kosovo Wars as well as the more recent CIA-State Department-USAID run pedophile havens for the booming child sex tourism industry most blatant in Pacific Asia. And of course this century’s nonstop Empire wars in the Middle East and Ukraine provide yet more fertile ground for illegal movement of guns, drugs, body parts and children around the globe.

So be mindful that to this very day the global pedophile Empire has never ceased operating but as the cancerous blight it is has only spread its expansive predatory tentacles to every corner of the globe, every year abducting more missing children, and raping, torturing and killing yet more innocents every single day. But thankfully 2017 is the pivotal year that the world population is finally beginning to catch on for the first time the absolute urgency of challenging this mammoth criminal enterprise. Mass awareness offers humanity the chance to not only further expose the puppet master pedophiles and their puppet minions, but also finally hold their cabal accountable for their continual atrocities. With our growing collective effort to shine light on this dark scourge now beginning to pay off, we finally have our best chance to reduce and purge the elite’s sexual slavery and Satanic ritual abuse of our innocents off the face of this earth. …

Anonymous ID: 7f8513 June 13, 2024, 9:29 a.m. No.21017118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7274 >>7376

June 11, 2024, 5:32 PM

Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries

Puerto Rico’s elections commission says it’s reviewing its contract with a U.S. electronic voting company after hundreds of discrepancies were discovered following the island’s heated primaries


SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico – Puerto Rico’s elections commission said Tuesday that it’s reviewing its contract with a U.S. electronic voting company after hundreds of discrepancies were discovered following the island’s heated primaries.


The problem stemmed from a software issue that caused machines supplied by Dominion Voting Systems to incorrectly calculate vote totals, said Jessika Padilla Rivera, the commission’s interim president.


While no one is contesting the results from the June 2 primary that correctly identify the winners, machine-reported vote counts were lower than the paper ones in some cases, and some machines reversed certain totals or reported zero votes for some candidates.


“The concern is that we obviously have elections in November, and we must provide the (island) not only with the assurance that the machine produces a correct result, but also that the result it produces is the same one that is reported,” Padilla said.


More than 6,000 Dominion voting machines were used in Puerto Rico’s primaries, with the company stating that software issues stemmed from the digital files used to export results from the machines.


The contract between Dominion and the elections commission ends June 30.


José Varela, vice president of Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives, called for Padilla to appear at a public hearing Thursday to address the issues.


“We cannot allow the public’s confidence in the voting process to continue to be undermined as we approach the general elections,” he said. …