Thread capped.
Good research material.
{{Shill}} deception out here in force.
Love going through to determine deceptive intent.
Will drop a few bits of juiciness.
But waiting, really, to see how far Q goes.
Why would "90% in hospital* if learn truth?
Who are we TAUGHT/programmed to trust?
Who wrote the Bible, specifically the OT?
When was it written?
What historical records exist of the authors?
Are {{those people}} to be trusted?
Christ called {{them}} the "Synagogue of Satan".
When did their Betrayal of God take place?
Where is it discussed in the Bible?
Book of Esther—Pagan Whore Goddess (Ishtar/Moloch), whose pussy save her people?
Song of Song—A whore's lamentation of her inability to stop fucking around on her Man?
What about GENESIS?
Darkness aka Eve(ning) aka Lillitu/Moloch (name means "darkness") begets Light. Light/Man, who is created "Like God" (meaning of Michael) is given dominion of the Earth. He falters, looks upon lower binary/gendered beasts with longing, then BAM! — up from among them: "Woman".
What does this manifestation of doubt and distrust, this partner/complement/adversary do?
Did she/it introduce death into the world?
Did she/it poison her husband and children?
If so–why did she do it?
To be(come) "Like God" aka USURP Adam/Man?
Manifestation of Darkness = "Woman"
Manifestation of Death = "Woman"
Does "Woman", in all species, control the males via processes of attraction & psych derangment?
Is this done via "pheromones"–which have NO basis in factual/observational science–or do women somehow DRAIN others of subtle fluids or chemicals that modulate health and sanity?
What is the "Breath of Life"?
Into whom was it breathed, Man or Woman?
In whom does John say the Life that is Light is borne?
What is it exactly that men ejaculate into Women, to create life?
What is Nitric Oxide, with respect to biological processes?
Does it protect against & heal damage caused by O2-based female-borne, mitochondrial respiration?
Does it directly numb pain, while promoting feelings of well-being & laughter?
And do gender/racial differences exist in terms of Nitric Oxide biology—generation and usage of?
What are {{matriarchal occult SATANISTS}} infamous for doing to innocent children?
What do we understand the reason to be?
What benefit do they derive from first ingratiating themselves with and then terrorizing children?
Do they simply "believe" they consume the soul?
Or is there something–a "breath" or "spirit" (spira = breath)–that can be extracted by this method?
Vampirism is very real.
However, the trust would put most in the hospital.
Who are we taught/programmed to trust most?
As for the rest of the books written by those confirmed by Christ to be the seed of SATAN…
They are simply plagiarisations of Plato.
{{Socrates}} was a name used by them, as they went about executing their generational mission.
Hypocrites, aka Scribes & Pharisees.
Same group of asshats, doing the same thing.
Feminism = Satanism. Literally.