Anonymous ID: 28d371 July 17, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.2188380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8404


I guess the biggest word you use is faggot. (though I find that reflective if your thinking abilities) kLMAO.


Best Advice for you:

Walk away Disengage from NASA's satanic heliocentric sun system where they have you mocking the Creator and relying on unproven (oh, I wonder why?) Bullshit theories they peddle for a dime a dozen.


I would also suggest you review and properly reevaluate their higher (lower) educational system you are cemented into.



Hive thinking (non-thinking) will not save you.

Be careful who you follow

Up is down, down is up

Anonymous ID: 28d371 July 17, 2018, 7:53 p.m. No.2194534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sometimes when I do research it's so sick it's hard to report it.

These people never give up, they regroup reorganize, plant their people in key positions and launch again.


Not counting what they are trying to do to Potus, there has been more than one attempt to suspend the constitution and overthrow our government. The Iran-Contra political scandal was another, but not in the history books.



JASON Society (always uses caps) is one of the most secretive and protected Illuminati branches of the Order of the Quest. (The men in black hoods). It is the highest degree of Skull & Bones (1832), and Scroll & Key, societies from Yale and Harvard. CFR (1921) is controlled by elect men from those two orders, and then the CFR, controls our government, as directed. NWO has its own constitutionon so they want overthrow ours. There goal is: To establish Satan's kingdom on earth.


That's why the government was/is? permeated with these peoplee, and they pay themselves mega$$$bucks. Which explains why they are spitting out fire and fury as Potus puts them out if work.


[In the next couple of days there will be more info posted on the "Secret Societies" thread, this is geared to 1957 Symposium].

Anonymous ID: 28d371 July 17, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.2195405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


…so Admiral Byrd died in 1957

the same year there were 50 atomic bombs and the Illuminati (NWO) put into motion a symposium on"future world development and overpopulation," (sound familiar? daddy of Agenda 21 and 2030).


Then our traitor President Eisenhower commissioned the JASON Society (an Advisory Group), also NWO, to examine the evidence and conclusions of the 1957 Symposium. That's convenient.


JASON members included the most "elite" minds, scientists, educators, men from the Manhattan Project, etc. All knew the true state of technology, all held the highest and most restrictive security clearances, and all were given protocol rank of rear admiral (2 stars) for when they visited ships and bases. They also refuse to release the names of their members.


No surprise, they agreed with the Symposium's conclusions and drafted 3 proposals for Eisenhower.



Anonymous ID: 28d371 July 17, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.2195993   🗄️.is 🔗kun


con't JASON Society, 1957


Goals: intentionally reducing the size of human society through monitor and controll, hello Atlantic Charter 1941, BRUSHA 1943, UKUSA, TTCP 1957, and 5 EYES; reducing the bulk of the world's population through GENOCIDE, FF, toxic substances into air via chem trails, GMOs in food supply, water/food supplies, bioengineered weaponized disease organisms (AIDS, ebola, bird and swine flu); and anti-fertility compounds introduced thru vaccines or other transmission.



JASON Society Proposals

Alternative 1. You're going to have to imagine what they had in store for us because all I could confirm was that Eisenhower rejected it due to it involved nuclear weapons. (but I guess it's ok to attach the earth)


Eisenhower approved 2 and 3.


Alternative 2

Proposed vast network of underground cities for secure living quarters for "chosen elite Illuminati," high level politicians, and selected military.

2001 Phil Schneider said there are 129 underground cities; Stewart Swerdlow says 133 in North America, and most recently, Al Bielek says there are many hundreds world wide.


The Atomic Energy Commission has 22 cities of their own.


The cities interconnect by high speed frictionless trains called Maglev Trains, (magnetic Levitation).


tired, Alt. 3 and references tomorrow