Yes I am aware of sun spots, and the mapping of sun spot activity, but the integrity of that science as you know it could be compromised.
You should be open to consider outside influences that could effect your science.
Coincidence, or factor?
They are the ones injecting that it's
93,000,000 miles to the sun, far far away from our local atmosphere.
The Antarctica/man history has been shrouded and kept secret all my Masons, who are NWO Illuminati.
Since 1800s, Trips to Antarctica by Countries who later signed the treaty.
Most left out of 'history class."
1929 Rockefeller, a proven evil player in WW generational crap, personally sent Byrd to plant Masonic flags, and start Lodge 777, at Antarctica.
1944-45 Made a shitload of $$$ off of fake war.
1946, 1955 military ops. Huge OPs coordinated with Countries - their story, exploring natural resources.
Flash forward, base in place
1957 Jason Symposium, decision to intentionally destroy earth, even forcasting our self destruction target date year 2000.
1957 treaty
1957 Byrd assassinated by CIA. You can see their handprint on it, and there are records verifying loose comments made by Byrd on the whole operation.
1957 verified nuclear warheads, 30 that year alone, intentionally shot into out upper atmosphere, over 600 miles up.
They also exploded nuclear warheads into our oceans, and underground.
What exactly was discovered by the Masons? They claimed ownership of the entire earth.
Only logical elites verified, at a minimum, that we live in a dome along with our sun and moon. They already knew they were lying to us about the sun's distance, and knew it wasn't at the center of "the universe").
That means it's local.
So would the be able to fuck with and manipulate the sun's properties?
We know global warming Scientists were paid millions to produce junk science reports claiming global warming, and we're all gonna die
So what was natural and what unnatural forces at play? Nukes.
This is a fact based theory. The above factors are relevant.
No Coincidences.
Up is down…
Expand your thinking…
There are bright bold crumbs here worth further consideration, and that's without bringing God into the equation.
Overwhelming evidence does not match their psyop.