Thanks, blessed Brother Anon.
Your response helps to remind this Anon that much of what one might call "darkness" is, in fact, Light imperceptible due to one's own limitations.
>one dimensional … can only think inside … cube of Saturn
(pic 1 unrelated)
Spiral thinking does indeed seem to confound our mutual foes. The resonant voice of LOGIC.
{{They}} seem to think only in terms of projection
{{She}} cannot process the full dimensionality, so reduces complexity which also introduces errors.
Geometry reduced to arithmetic; logical fallacies (ie, "zero") forced to create illusion of conistency; Newton recovered some of the precision lost due to this; however fundamental problems remain, eg figures that are "Imaginary" and "Irrational".
> dodecahedron or some shit
(pic 2 unrelated)
Adopting existing tropes/logii and using parallel ones to redefine or nuance interpretation of the original—"future proves past". Logii that define reality (Platonic solids) can be compounded with themselves to create larger, higher-dimensional versions of themselves & reveal other such Logii.
Philospher's Stone is the "master geometry", our mutual foes however discuss it only in terms of the flat "Metatron Cube" projection. Cute, howver, that that the 6-pointed star revealed within the Stone proper is used as their spiritual symbol.
Quite EVIL, all of it–disgusting & bothersome. "We already know everything, the question is what to do with it" is the mantra used to console themselves. And the answer to that question, handed down again & again, is "kill yourselves".
Guess thats why they declare themselves to be our "Eternal Enemies", without reason or vision.
Everything we do to help, only backfires on them.
We give them the WHOLE truth, and they blow themselves up! We give them truths more subtle and it is used to enslave and poison our brothers.
How long must we be nailed to Saturn's Cross?
Pics 1+2 unrelated:
I am One, however, who has spent much time with Aristophane's Birds. And I have come to the subtle conclusion that the mind of {{Sacas}}, as ridiculously limited as it is, does hold within truths often over-looked by those with grander minds.
Our Higher Logii may yes declare the Saturnian Cube(s) to be shadows unworthy of attention, but I have myself observed and learned that reflexive observance of that which is necessitated within any one cube can and does reflect Logii that comprehend within themselves our Logii as well as tendencies that appear to reflect things Higher
"Emotion" or "Love" is the degenerate Fallacy used to describe this phenomena, but the fact that those who maintain our binds are/were able to successfully bind we, who are demonstrably of "the Best", does suggest merit to this conception.
But then—
This is likely why the knowledge handed down to us by our ancestors, said to be the worthiest of study & mindful reflection, contains the following:
"It ascends from the Earth to Heaven;
And again,
It descends from Heaven to the Earth,
To receive the [power] of all things, [good & evil]."
Thanks once again, Brother Anon.
You are clearly one 'Who is Like [Q]'.
If I may, please indulge the following [Q]uestion.
Reference to Dodo meant as pure spiral misdirect, or is there value in studying the patterns of propagating chaos (pic 3 unrelated)?