Anonymous ID: 325925 July 20, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.2225581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The evidence suggests it. JASON is real, the Symposium's are real, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, are real, you can track their agenda by looking at the past events, and their political agendas.


They needed time and lots of money to build safe habitats for their people, before they could do a big wipeout, and it took decades of secrecy. Q laid out the 16 yr plan Obama/Clinton had.


Add MSN, mockingbird, it's a big world and takes a big agenda to manipulate.


Time Lapse Example. I grew up in Leave it to Beaver and I Love Lucy. TV was censored for family viewing. They would never ever say the f word. Johnny Carson was on at 10:00. The population seemed happy. Then Vietnam.


Insert Trojan Horse inside job


My kids, 1983-1992.

Average 5 yr old had viewed over 450,000 murders on TV, primetime. Video games decapitation, blood spewing, killing murder to desensitize. And on and on.

Morals and God removal was a primary goal. They brought the evil to us. We just didn't realize the extent of their involvement and determination. Hitler breeding program, Operation Paperclip.

So they set into motion plans. They fail, they reorganize and start over.


There is so much more info on the pure evil and hierarchy of their orders, and councils and committees, and societies, all designed to destroy God's children, and his earth. Look at the fingerprints.

Goal is to install Satan.

It is good v. evil.

They teach be your own god. There's chaos is in everything they bring.


I truly could not understand the breadth of it, and why, they have done what they've done, but it's them. It is pure evil. Demon satanic worship, human sacrificial material. Sick rituals.

Gave me new meaning to know thy enemy, God's enemy.


Cry for those murdered,

Don't stop praying for those alive.

Anonymous ID: 325925 July 20, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.2225675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've been awake since a very young age, but I thought it was corruption for profit. The evil element was well hidden. Yes, we were dupped. I'm really pissed at what my parents' generation went through. 1918. Lots of blood, sweat and tears sacrificed. Intentionally. Wars. FFs. Who does that?

God pays back evil. He lets the evil get full, then he brings it.