explain how something as simple as satellite tv works then retard
these people are straight up retards man dont bother
You can straight up do the math yourself with a pole and shadows and some geometry. They did it in ancient times and yet you still cannot figure it out lol
If it were a ground tower then why does the dish move to follow the satellite on its own? When one satellite moves out of range there is a pass off to the next. I have actually programmed this shit when i worked for direct TV. You would think that "its lucifer" or some shit of course though. No shit a storm interferes with this, but not completely. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean that's not how it works. All "math" isn't the work of Satan as the other idiot mentioned. Flat earthers are legit retarded. How do you explain the shadow on a pole as the sun moves proving the roundness of the earth? It would look completely different if the earth was flat. Not accepting everything doesn't mean I throw out all the shit with literally mountains of evidence like you did. I did the pole experiment myself in my teens and lo and behold it worked. Deny the holocaust by all means cause the evidence for that isn't iron clad, but you can do the pole shadow experiment on your own in your back yard. Try it out.
This doesn't work though at a certain distance because the earth has a curve. The satellite network wasn't fully complete until 1994, and had just begun during vietnam. you are so fucking dumb you tried to give an example from a time when the satellites would not only be unreliable but there weren't enough to work properly. Those towers were for planes in the pacific ocean, but you wouldn't know that since all you can do is cognitive bias and even doing an experiment yourself you would probably not believe it as you are straight up fucking deluded. You dont care about the truth only what supports your current world view. How do pilots not know that the earth is flat? You can literally see the curve when you fly. God DAMN you guys are fucking annoying
Also I wasn't some lackey that installed the shit at people's houses i was a developer that wrote the software on the boxes that controls the dish. THE EARTH IS ROUND to deceive some things need to be true, if EVERYTHING was a lie no one would believe them. Get out of your delusion please you stupid boomer.