Anonymous ID: 46225f July 20, 2018, 9:48 a.m. No.2221904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3970 >>3972

The sun is white now because there is a simulator in front of the real sun. Why? Because there are 2 fucking suns in the sky now. They drown everything out in bright white light. Turn the contrast up to 1000. Chem trails are always near the sun.

When did it become normal for our skies to be fucking bright white? In July? White no visible sun yet still 96 degrees.

Unrevealed god of Freemasonry is the magi star. David bowies last fucking album was named what? Comet Ping Pong..why a Comet? Red bull gives you wings…ha that's one way to put it.

Why is Mars covered in red dust? Has earth had any dust storms lately? If so what color was the dust? Jimmy Seville and other elites are in a cult called the 9th circle. Do you think they worship fucking billiards tables? Or Pluto? Pluto got bumped because of these people. They make sacrifices to the 9th circle and it sure as shit ain't Pluto. The Egyptians winged sun. The Sumerians winged sun. Does our sun have fucking wings? Why is sun worship satanic? Where would the best view of this thing be? Antarctica? New Zealand? Why is new Zealand the devil worshiping capital of the world? Maybe because Antarctica is cold as fuck? Qesus mentioned 40,000 ft. Why?


Magi magi star magician black magic wizards warlocks alchemy. Any of this shit been in the news the last couple years?

What was so weird about the magi star? How it acted? How one second u see it another second u don't? How it doesn't act like a normal star? How it approaches extremely low on the horizon unlike any other star making it nearly impossible to see until it rises like a Phoenix in between us and the sun? Why the fuck did the Vatican build the world's largest infrared telescope in Arizona and name it Lucifer? Why do they have a sculpture of a sphere breaking out of another sphere outside the Vatican? Is that signaling the start of a new earth? A new age?

Hebrews 1229 god was a consuming fire.

Lucifer the light bearer.

Moloch the sky god. On and on and on and on and fucking on. How many major logos have wings on them? Why a red Cross? Why the obsession with purple? The Hopi prophecy involves the blue and red kachina. Blue and red makes what?