It wasn't just Eve.
After the earth populated some, 200 watchers took human wives and bore Giants, who lived on Mt. Herman. Enoch went there to hear their petition to God to grant forgiveness. But they were never allowed back in Heaven because they had sexual relations with blood humans. They were defiled. Their spirits where Evil.
Book of Jubilees tells the lineage of Adam and Eve, all the way through Israel, and after.
They had many more children, but only after they mourned for Abel, I think over 50 years they morned. It tells Cain's children too. It is soooooo interesting.
"The earth was divided" was actually Noah, in front of an angel, dividing the land between Noah's sons, Shem, Ham and Yefet. The sons swore an oath if anyone took the other's land, a curse would be on them. Shem was actually given the land of Kena'ani. But Ham's son took it as his, so he and his children still bare the curse.
So I believe every Word of God, even about the sun getting 7x hotter.
The Astronomy Chapters are fantastic. Enoch mentions the sun getting hotter too.