Cool thread. I'm sorry I cba to read all of it. (Sincerely).
Nice thumbnails…
This poster is simply assuming that advanced physicists somewhere, somehow, have an explanation for this. Although, he himself doesn't know what it is. Yet, he goes ahead and asserts FEers are retards???
I defy you to explain what, exactly, about physics FEers quote "can't" that resolves the question in… well, question.
> At least biblefags dont have to deny physical reality in order to maintain their circular reasoning
On the contrary, it is you who has to deny physical reality in order to maintain your circular (global) reasoning. By all accounts, physical reality suggests the opposite of what you believe - and that's true regardless of whether or not the earth is spherical or flat. Projecting, much? Why are you so butthurt that FEers in particular believe in what you don't believe in? Do you always act this way when someone likes something you don't, too?
I get out daily and see the sky but very, very seldom do I skygaze. I happened to do that yesterday, however. It was a clear, I would say, deep blue sky. I've also been noticing less chemtrails where I'm at, recently. Coincidence? Perhaps. I don't know. But I'm not delusional.
What crusade? I'm not even a FEer. Unlike 95% of FE critics including you, however, I am actually reasonably informed on the FE side of the topic of the shape of our world. I can count on one hand the number of times I've mentioned FE in Q threads since November, only ever when it happened to relate to discourse at the moment, always in a calculated and minimally disruptive manner. Because I understand, FE discussion can be and often is highly toxic (no wonder, perhaps). In my assessment, you're deluded by your own unidimensional cartoonish conception of FEers resulting from your ideologically subverted state of mind. Your basic contempt for them is simplistically rooted in tribalism while your particular passion seems altogether pathological in nature. Overall your post tinges of immaturity on a neurophysiological scale.
>get 4 (you)'s from 1 person, 0 from anyone else
>get mistaken for another poster
>get bitched at basically
>get apologized to
>get praised
This must be one of the more peculiar transactions I've had in all my years on chans.
Thanks by the way. Believe it or not I spent hours writing it. That must be the 30th revision. An all too routine part of my training, as the Luke Skywalker of autism.