wasnt intentionally hidden, the pharasee jews haaaated it because it talked about there being another equal with god who was his son, enoch was written before the flood and most likely the ability to read it was lost around or at babel. however by yeshuas time it is referred to loads and quoted a bunch in new testament, pretty rad. but yes you could say it was kept a mystery like so much, was also first to refer to jc as son of man and second adam and mentions melchizedech the greatest mystery of all to me, get you some of pic related and sorry about spelling
funny these here measurements make a pretty spot on pyramid
also it seems that our gnostic friends always think themselves so better learned with that true, forbidden knowledge, kek. where did that get the watchers? the nephelim? the caananites? the phoenicians? the khazaars? our would be satanapede overlord politicians trying to still hide somewhere in hollywood 2018?
however, theres some wild shit goin on with our moon, its transparent manytimes, like their projecting a big round moon over a small egg one, i can see clouds through it many nights, and for the last few years i KNOW their has been some kind of sun simulator in the sky, i dont know know if they have shit at the top of the firmament, their own movie screen they wallpapered over it like a giant planetarium, kek, or what. and then theres this…. yes, the real reason.