Anonymous ID: afa215 July 20, 2018, midnight No.2218615   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Con't JASON Society,

Order of the Quest

Re: 1957 Symposium


Alternative 2. Add. info.

on Underground facilities.

In 1959 Rand Corporation hosted a "Deep Underground Construction Symposium" that included the use of a tunneling machine capable of boring a 45' diameter tunnel at the rate if 5'/hr. whereby underground vaults and vast complex facilities could be constructed.


It should be noted that to maintain a tight veil of secrecy and hide any connections to it, the JASON Society set up and operated the Jason Scholars and the Jason Group. The Group was a scientific organization formed by the J. Society and the US government, to bring the NWO agenda forward. It was administered by Mitre Corporation (note masonry term mitre). Mitre would set up Government Contracts to go exclusively to Jason Group scientists. This was done so the Jason name itself, would never appear on the contract documents. (this explains the exorbitant costs of toilets and likely everything else that made no since in gov. awarded contracts)


Though secrecy was tight, there was one leak where the Jason Group was mentioned in Pentagon Papers that stated it was responsible for designing the electrical barrier at the DMZ between North and South Vietnam during the war. Vets at the DMZ verified the barrier was 100% effective.

Anonymous ID: afa215 July 20, 2018, 12:40 a.m. No.2218839   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Con't JASON Society

Re: 1957 Symposium


So far we have seen a lot of high tech developments taking place during this period, and after. MSN and leaks overtime have tried to attribute the tech to alien spacecraft. This psyop continues in the news today and is government fed, to groom us for the big alien/UFO ff invasion. It sets us up to believe it without any question. The movie Independence Day (notice they didn't call it 4th of July, so whose Independence were they really referring to?) Theirs, after they kill us off in a fake UFO War.


So where did the technology come from? I suggest Nikola Tesla. FBI seized all ? of his work in 1945. So they had it a full 12 years prior to the 1957 Sympodium.


Tesla was a real science genius, frequency energy electrical magnetics genius, not like the paperclip puppet genius Einstein actor. His tech no doubt was responsible for the DMZ barrier, and the building in Korea, etc.


Also, consider the implication here. Mitre Corporation Jason Group and secret contracts to high ° masons to develop Tesla's inventions…


As concerns Alternative 3 think of Tesla and magnetic levitation, and the high speed frictionless Maglev trains, and tunneling device in Alternative 2.


But they tell us it's aliens and they're coming for us, and billions go into the budget. Space Wars. Star Wars. Star Trek. Get scared…




Launch Project Mockingbird. And look, 50 years later.



However, there's another possibility