I guess they missed that day in grade school science when they talked about rainbows and why natural light is seen as "whiite"
Why not look at a chart of the electromagnetic spectrum - specifically visible light band. Then tell us what frequency/wavelength is yellow and the same for "white". Sixth grade science: White light is the "combination of all" colors/frequencies/wavelengths in the visible band
If objects scatter all wavelengths with roughly equal strength, they appear white. If they absorb all wavelengths, they appear black.[8]
Your ignorance of basis science/physics has been replaced with a cult belief.
The sun cannot conduct heat to the Earth directly because the two bodies are not in contact with each other. Convection is also impossible, as no medium connects the two bodies to facilitate heat flow. Instead, the sun radiates much of its energy as light of various wavelengths. Some of this radiated light is in the infrared part of the spectrum and reaches Earth as heat.
Light in the visible part of the spectrum also has the effect of warming the Earth. It does this by penetrating the atmosphere and being absorbed by the land and water. Once the Earth has absorbed all of the energy it can hold, it begins to radiate energy back toward space. This terrestrial radiation is primarily in the infrared band of the spectrum, which is absorbed by aerosols in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases trap heat and store up the surplus energy of the Earth's allotment of solar radiation. Eventually, even the atmosphere reaches thermal saturation and radiates waste energy back out into space.
Color temperature
I expect your next refutation will be that Wiki (and science) is controlled by the Cabal to keep you a slave,
So where is the "coil" which Faraday described?
Any educated electrical engineer will instantly see through you obfuscation of his theory. Can you induce "light" by moving a magnet through the coil?
Your argumentum ad verecundiam fails, and is disjunctive, ergo incoherent
Like we were told in grade school math - "Show your work"
We did - long ago, yet you persist since we didn't bow to your demands. Deal with it yourself, since you aren't persuading anyone and can't control anyone here
Sounds like the power of the "Cult of InCel" is strong in this one. Thus spaketh Yoda
It 's called the solar cycle. Natural and not caused by Earth effects. Did you sleep thru science class?
It is the Archon base for this dimension. It is the Winter Palace of the Demiurge. That were the store all the cosmic energy until the Ascension.
Sign up for David Wilcock's next seminar for your Astral Passport
You story has more holes than swiss cheese.
To begin with, the graphics says 7,200 miles. They described it (in 1962 ?) like the force fields on Star Trek (The first television series, simply called Star Trek and now referred to as "The Original Series", debuted in >>1966<< and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC.
The text on the graphic says "The >>electrons<< are running into a glass wall". How would a "glass wall" stop a tiny electron, smaller the molecules of whatever material it was made of.
"Beta particles are charged particles (usually with a negative electrical charge) that are released from nuclear explosions. These particles travel in a spiral along the magnetic field lines in the Earth's magnetic field. The nuclear explosions also release heavier debris ions, which also carry an electrical charge, and which also travel in a spiral along the Earth's magnetic field lines." (magnetic lines = invisible shield?)
On 9 July 1962, at 09:00:09 Coordinated Universal Time, which was nine seconds after 10 p.m. on 8 July, Johnston Island local time, the Starfish Prime test was successfully detonated at an altitude of 400 kilometres (250 mi). The coordinates of the detonation were 16 degrees, 28 minutes North latitude, 169 degrees, 38 minutes West longitude (30 km, or about 18 mi, southwest of Johnston Island).[11] The actual weapon yield was very close to the design yield, which has been described by various sources at different values in the very narrow range of 1.4 to 1.45 megatons (6.0 PJ).
The Thor missile carrying the Starfish Prime warhead actually reached an apogee (maximum height) of about 1100 km (just over 680 miles), and the warhead was detonated on its downward trajectory when it had fallen to the programmed altitude of 400 kilometres (250 mi). The nuclear warhead detonated at 13 minutes and 41 seconds after liftoff of the Thor missile.[12]
The sun is ~93 million miles away, The moon is an average of 238,855 miles away. But both are under this dome that is 7,200 miles away?
Scientific quackery!
Why don't we leave the scientific stuff to the adults?
To claifiy some apparent misconceptions:
From the original article
Thirty Years of Space Communications Research and Development at Lincoln Laboratory 1
by William W. Ward and Franklin W. Floyd
The first detonation destroyed the ionosphere over a vast area around the test site and interrupted many high-frequency radio communications links, because high-frequency radio signals travel by reflecting off [80] the lower surface of the ionosphere. In particular, the loss of high-frequency radio halted commercial transpacific air transport. The military implications of a high-frequency radio communications failure at a critical time were obvious.
((This was not the intent, but a unexpected by-product of detonations .This was a temporary localized disruption that remedied it self ( natural re-ionization by the sun effects). There concern was that some other future disruption might also cause a temporary loss at a crucial time (per last sentence above))
Post says:
The idea was, if they could disable (their word), the ionosphere as a radio reflector, they could replace it.
Ahhhhh… no!
Walter Morrow, at Lincoln Laboratory, and Harold Meyer, then with TRW, considered the problem of high-frequency radio communications failures during the Army's Project Barnstable Summer Study in 1958. They suggested that "if natural phenomena, such as solar storms, or thermonuclear detonations disabled the ionosphere as a radio reflector", then an orbiting artificial reflector could replace the ionosphere. Just prior to this, both the Soviet Union and the United States had demonstrated the ability to place satellites in orbit, so the idea seemed feasible.
Since the article was discussing the issues regarding reflection/transmission over non-line-of-site radio communication teletype/telephone is historical anecdote. Radio communications were common but limited in their range and long range land lines were very expensive to construct and limited by terrain & geography.
BTW Ozone layer has been recovering since Montreal Protocol in 1987, which bans the production of CFCs, halons, and other ozone-depleting chemicals, Ozone levels stabilized by the mid-1990s and began to recover in the 2000s. Recovery is projected to continue over the next century
Not over the target. Just a poseur that lacks any basic understanding of simple physics.
So you think that magnetic filed change the frequency and wavelength of light?
Shine a flashlight on a magnet and tell me what color changes you see.
This isn't even pseudo-science. Maybe some chanting or spiritual music will change the light colors in your basement?
Maybe because your little FE crusade don't add value to /qresearch. It just feeds your Attention Deficit. It is such a ridiculous gaslight attempt, you must think you are dealing with gullible children.
No one is gonna be conned with your "prove me wrong". Deductive Logic 101 says you can't prove a negative. It used to be associated with the Black Swan theory. I am certain with your superior level of knowledge you know exactly what that reference means.
Believe what you want, but your likelihood of finding gullible "converts" here is an asymptote approaching zero
You are wasting your time on the FEtard. His goal is to disrupt and try to goad you into explaining and proving, wihilel he makes outrageous claim with no "scientific" proof.
"What about….." and "Explain …." are not any accepted form of scientific proof.
You have him/them pegged correctly - Kudos
Wouldn't it be faster, cheaper and more efficient to just provoke a nuclear war.
Why bother with all the Kabuki theater?
Occam's Razor suggests your reasoning is unnecessarily complex, with multiple dependencies to coordinate.
Maybe they started with good intentions and program was co-opted by others with another agenda.
Your assessment suggests that all previous generations were duped fools and it took the newest generations to uncover the real "truth". (Except most of the documentation you rely upon has existed for decades. Why wouldn't they just destroy the evidence?)
Do you think this "evidence" was only recently discovered?
Maybe other just sat around in chat rooms or "conferences" talking about it, but doing absolutely nothing, waiting for someone like Q & team to actually come op with a viable plan of action.
He doesn't really "need" us and all he asked for was us to coherently promote the message. It is a "habbening" with or without us. If we can't cogently and coherently pass the word, we contribute nothing to the cause.
Look carefully at the people outside of these boards that are carrying the message, since "normies" aren't welcome here and "wouldn't understand the culture".
Naivety on full display - most 330 million people don't know or care about this board. Some of the keyboard warriors are just too full of themselves and reluctant to leave the echo chamber here and venture out the to interact with the "normies".
Social skills and self-awareness are in limited supply here, hence the frustration with the events in the real world.
Are you able to convince the "man on the street" you are knowledgeable and credible enough accept your messaging?
Memes are emergent and very rarely intentionally created.
They self-propagate, but few of the thousands "created" here can't be found in the outside world. Q created Q, we are just distribution network, not an originator (think supply chain)
So are the clouds really in outer space of is the Sun inside our atmosphere.
Your claim leaves on two logical alternatives (and many illogical ones)
Look at the picture in the post I responded to fool.
What is that poster saying? Then re-read my post with some 3rd grade reading comprehension
He shows "clouds behind the Sun" Get it dipshit?
Then skulk away in humiliation (unless you agree with the sun picture - if you do send your brain back for a replacement)
If you think you found it, keep looking
The out of work Global Warming ones
Center of gravity makes all points equidistant from the center.
If all points are the same distance away it appears flat.
Water does curve. Like all liquids the assume the shape of their container
Sophistry doesn't change math.
It just tries to misapply it