Voices in his head
I’m sorry sir, you made your payment on time your score will now drop 20 points.
They [knowingly] attempting to prevent your success at all levels. No car, home, etc.
An actor cried?
You are such a fucking faggot it hurts how fucking gay you are
Ported yo? You’re a faggot, yo. Injected. Cancel culture leech. Leashing pussy.
I understand more than ever.
Happy Birthday POTUS ♊️ call it how it is
Closing Act.
Keep weeping and crying, you fucking pathetic loser.
Those who know can’t sleep. Tried to derail me at all turns at any costs and for what? You’re projecting. You have lost, suicide weekend?
Take another Xanax
I smell PUSSY. You attack those you fear the most.
“Just fucking work hard it’s that simple”
You are the FEEDER. They do not fear you.
They start to break down and glitch out when they realize Q=Alice and they have no control at all. In real time in live time the proofs rolling in. Threaten the lives of hundreds tonight I fucking dare you…you won’t make it down the street
Handler (Conductor):
SMOKING can be bad for your health. Read the warning label. Deboard train and walk away. Once in the tunnel, there is no going back.
Put the fear of God in them. I can see your face.
Ratfucks you at the gym…”stop smoking”…
Won’t let you sleep…”stop smoking”…
Won’t let you have human interaction..”stop smoking”
Headphones are in talk crazy shit headphones out…whispers