Anonymous ID: e63764 June 13, 2024, 5:16 p.m. No.21019189   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Did you know that the official Presidential and First Lady portraits (paintings as opposed to photographs) are not yet revealed nor hung in the Smithsonian? Hmmmm.


"The Smithsonian’s rules state that a President’s official portraitcannot be unveiled until after they stop running for election. If the portrait had been completed before he formally announced his candidacy, it might have gone up. As that didn’t happen …, it now won’t be seen until after one of the following happens:


1: He finishes his second term after winning in 2024 …


2: The 2024 election comes and goes with him losing.


3: He drops out or is legally barred from holding office sometime before the election.



Please note:The Smithsonian hasn’t even said that Trump’s portrait has even been completed. Much less shown it to anyone."


Even today… where the presidential portrait (painted) would hang, there is instead the award winning photograph of President Trump with MILITARY flags behind him.


"The image by award-winning photographer Pari Dukovic was snapped during a photo shoot for Time magazine in June 2019, just a day before Trump officially announced his plans to run for reelection in 2020.


"In the portrait, the former president, clad in a blue suit and trademark red tie, sits at theResolute Deskin the Oval Office withthe flags of the U.S. military branches behind him. “Also visible in the background (left) isAsher B. Durand’s portrait of Andrew Jackson (1835),*a figure whom President Trump alluded to frequently,” notes the National Portrait Gallery statement, …"


  • 1+8+3+5 =17


17, you say?