Anonymous ID: e13c7d June 13, 2024, 6:50 p.m. No.21019749   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9780 >>9786 >>9959 >>0111 >>0253 >>0362 >>0416

IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery


(After Peron was ousted Argentina has gone to the IMF moar times than any other country-its 24 or 25 times depending on how you determine a “new” program-at this point it doesn’t matter since they’ll fuq this up again and be back-once this “hangover” wears off with phoney Milei you’ll see the return of the really big protests)


The IMF has approved $800 million to aid Argentina's economic recovery under its $44 billion program, citing that economic targets have been met. Despite fiscal reforms, Argentina faces challenges like a stalled economy and rising poverty. Continued policy efforts and support measures are deemed necessary.


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) board on Thursday cleared the way for Argentina to draw $800 million to help drive its economic recovery, saying the lending program was "firmly on track". Argentina has a $44 billion program with the IMF, which includes economic targets on growth, inflation and reserves. The IMF said in a statement its executive board had completed the eighth review of that extended fund facility arrangement. In completing the review, the Executive Board assessed the program to be firmly on track, with all quantitative performance criteria through end-March 2024 met with margins," the IMF said. Sustaining the progress will require improving the quality of fiscal adjustment, taking steps towards enhanced monetary and foreign exchange policy framework, and implementing reforms for growth, it said. Argentina's government has said it will open talks with the IMF over a new program. The IMF's approval comes after President Javier Milei, who took office in December, put in place sweeping fiscal reforms and sharply tightened government spending to tackle triple-digit inflation, a shrinking economy and reserves in the red.

The changes under him have helped Argentina rebuild depleted foreign currency reserves, post fiscal surpluses at the start of the year and stabilize the peso currency. Argentina's monthly inflation rate in May was the lowest since 2022, official data showed on Thursday, cooling for the fifth straight month to 4.2% amid the austerity drive by libertarian Milei. Still, the government faces a challenge with the economy stalling and poverty levels rising. Continued efforts to support the vulnerable, broaden political support and ensure "agile" policymaking will be necessary in Argentina going forward, the IMF said.

Anonymous ID: e13c7d June 13, 2024, 7:04 p.m. No.21019830   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9959 >>0111 >>0253 >>0362 >>0416

>>21017112 pb

EXEC1F C40CFlauxtusdeparted Duluth after muh event for “older voters” and another one in Los Gatos,CA and headed for Moffet Federal Airfield


Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event

Anonymous ID: e13c7d June 13, 2024, 8:18 p.m. No.21020127   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0166 >>0253 >>0362 >>0416

PlaneFaggin’: One of VP’s NoKo ACs back at Moscow, USAF tanker over E. Poland, BLKCAT6 drone into Black Sea


Russian Federation RSD387 ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment returned to Moscow -this part ofVP’strip to NoKo


South Korea, US warn against North Korea-Russia military ties ahead of Putin visit


59-1475 KC-135 tanker W from some refueling activity on Polish/Ukraine border just north of Lublin where Zelensky has been going back to first after all these glad handing visits instead of Rzeszow-that AC still at G7 from earlier arrival from his beggin’ trip to Jeddah



BLKCAT6 Global Hawk drive entering western Black Sea


Algeria AF KJD456 C-130j Super Herc back to Algiers from Moscow depart

Anonymous ID: e13c7d June 13, 2024, 9:18 p.m. No.21020358   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Dunno if that what they wanted there but makes sense.

Take it all, leave token population to serve them.

They already had PR for the crypto-pedo “paradise” along with the IRS and Treasury (one of them-as I understand it there are at least three versions of it currently operating) in a tropical location.