Anonymous ID: 779302 June 13, 2024, 11:08 p.m. No.21020516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0534



And remember at low dosages these toxins get encapsulated in the blood which then becomes thicker and causes another host of problems such as diabetes because the pancreas cannot release insulin thorough the semi permeable membrane due to the pressure of the thicker blood. It affects circulation and can cause aneurisms, stroke, gout, discombobulation and dizzyness due to the lack of taking oxygen out of the blood stream. It can cause many different eye problems such as weak vision, cataracts, cornea damage, and leave a strong film that can only be removed by laser surgery.

Anonymous ID: 779302 June 13, 2024, 11:19 p.m. No.21020534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0540


Subcutaneously some of the first signs will be nerve disorders such as MS, fibromyalgia, parkin son's disease, and many others as nerve ending are easily dissolved as opposed to stronger tissue like muscle, tendons, and Cartilage. Muscle deterioration is usually diagnosed as a thyroid problem when in fact it is from this. Tendon deterioration tends to cause walking and lifting problems but most also targets complain of coldness and numbness which is a sign of thicker blood and the deterioration of nerve endings from cyanide. Usually when cyanide affect the cartilage it also is starting to eat away at the bone, and these are some of the most debilitating diseases because by then not only are the targets experiencing the above but now it gets into the bone marrow. These are disgusting cowardly murderers that we are dealing with. Remember, Q told you that they will kill everyone on a plane just to get that one person, they have a mindset that has a depraved indifference towards life, all life.