Anonymous ID: 7a06cf June 13, 2024, 10:09 p.m. No.21020465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0468 >>0474 >>0481 >>0499

Q Team:


Just heard a UL man in a loud voice from 1 house across the street to the west of me saying in an urgent voice "Nooo, you run it in the water". What do you "run" in water except a water pump? They have no pool but I always suspected that they use some type of mister for the chemicals depending on which way the wind blows and as I cut the lawn this evening, I kept smelling something like a bitter sweet pungent smell of some type of foliage being burnt, and thought at first it was a BBQ. But after looking over the eastern fence, I saw no one out in the backyard nor smoke. My wife told me earlier that as she went into that corner to clean she warned me to be aware as it gave her a numbing feeling and she felt disoriented. So this is almost definitely how they are doing it, somehow burning the cyanide foliage, mixing it with water to be pumped to a sprayer or mister and is why just about all these people have multiple implements hanging and spinning to see which way the wind blows. There is no electrical device that you "run" in the water except a pump, and that was an urgent no as if you will wreck the machine.

Anonymous ID: 7a06cf June 13, 2024, 10:21 p.m. No.21020481   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q Tteam:


This is why dogs suffer the most because they have to use the lawn for relief and it gets on their paws, so the only thing they can do, is lick their feet, then these toxins get into their systems from there and cause all types of problems. But I know for a fact that these people will also spray into people's vents, towards open windows, and even drill inconspicuous and not so conspicuous holes into the house to spray their toxins. Now, when I look at all the holes in my home, the pried places in the wood, it all makes sense. They lie and say I saw an animal, not true, and you can tell because no animal would climb on one side of a house and scale sideways for 50 feet just to get to the other side that is impossible to climb from that side, just so they can Burrough. These are cowardly murderers we are dealing with and either you pull us out of here, send support s we can defend ourselves, or I deal with them myself. We already called both of them out, so there will be no further warnings.