Anonymous ID: 8f82cd June 13, 2024, 11:48 p.m. No.21020549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0561



So, the gain of function with the Chyna dust is exactly this, the admixture of various toxins and pathogens to kill people asap. This dust expands in water very easily when fresh, if it didn't, they couldn't spray it. But once it hardens it becomes almost impervious and will bind to even to concrete, imagine what that does to a person internally? I am positive that they use some type of self-replicating biological such as larva or worm like material which will self-heal, colonize, and help borough into living tissue alongside the properties of cyanide as I have seen actual larva in a puddle of chemicals in my driveway where there are no trees. Remember, admixture. Radiation is a whole other topic and can be just as lethal but in combination it is used as a catalyst to speed up the process of termination.

Anonymous ID: 8f82cd June 14, 2024, midnight No.21020561   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So Q Team:


This is the DS cabal's number one tactic that they have been using on their enemies since children's hospitals were created and has become an exacting science for them. The body does not heal because it is mainly a low dosage attack on a consistent basis over the years until targets succumb to diseases and death. When the dosages are high, as in covid, they can cause all type of acute syndrome as opposed to long term chronic illnesses. They got sloppy with their recruitment process knowing they were already exposed for 911 and have been attacking with too many high dosages and now we know. These cyanide dust toxins were used on 911, put into the shots to receive worker's compensation, used to cause covid symptoms, and have been put into the vaccines, and they are still using it to kill their enemies without any obstructions whatsoever.


President Trump, Q Team, and US military, what are we going to do about this?