Anonymous ID: 7f9200 June 14, 2024, 6:56 a.m. No.21021341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April Hale Saine who lived or lives at 439 Bayview drive, sugar valley Georgia is some type of freemason order of eastern star or just straight puppet of Henry Michael Saine the retired assistant police chief of Kennesaw who tells everyone he is a mason and his oath.


So why are the Freemasons grooming boys and girls to be Christian then murder them in freemason rituals utilizing county and government officials here?

Anonymous ID: 7f9200 June 14, 2024, 7:02 a.m. No.21021379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1386 >>1398 >>1863 >>1871

Was Erica scripted and designed to be homeland of gog and Magog?


Satan worshipping government in the name of freemasons running pedophile rings to eat/rape the cattle


They designed DC in the satanic star, from comet ping pong to VP house, to freemason cemetery, crossroads.


The[y] took up positions of authority like sheriff and installed child brides where they needed espionage and sabotage, a loyal sex slaves who was not murdered/groomed and conditioned


The music and movie industry


The trans agenda


Child mutilation


Then on the other coin you have what we are told is ultra Orthodox Christian Russia that has all type of nationalities/races/beliefs fighting for it also.


Is America truly the GREAT SATAN as scripted and we were told other wise? In the movie wag the dog, the movie director calls America THE GREAT SATAN


Tons of talk of Jesus returning, they'd need Jesus or groom someone to be Jesus, whattt would be the point of that in the GREAT SATAN?


Why would Freemasons groom young boys and men to be Jesus roles?


>Because they hate Christian/white boys and murder them systematically to the point they start world wars so they can child brides the girls and boys

Anonymous ID: 7f9200 June 14, 2024, 7:04 a.m. No.21021386   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Which is a coincidentally nazi German army marching song


Hitler speaking about the white girl but didn't care about all those white boys sent to the meat grinder. Those lonely geopolitical wombs sent else where to give birth