>but i do enjoy the meme warfare tbh. :)
the best of times, the worst of times
the best of times during the worst of times; ironic
memes help
'nothing can stop what is coming' is like 'time will tell', phrases that are true no matter what happens
what happens depends on motivation persistence skill luck etc thus its true nothing can stop what is coming but what is coming depends on the person(s) and their actions mayB
this means you can help the final outcome which no1 can stop
WE can easily win with enough ppl so the mission becomes about gaining ppl thru truth mayB imo
anything outside that focus isn't worth effort imo
is debating shills worth it? (depends how many Normies/Newbies are watching)
should i poast to Socials or Kun or both? (depends how many Normies/Newbies are watching)
best focus = best results?
thank you Anons