Anonymous ID: 563702 June 14, 2024, 11:30 a.m. No.21022643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2649 >>2923 >>2978

Archaeologists Unearth 35 Glass Bottles from the 18th Century at George Washington’s Mount Vernon During Mansion Revitalization, Most Containing Perfectly Preserved Cherries and Berries

JUNE 13, 20241/2

Excavation Represents an Unprecedented Discovery of Pre-Revolutionary War Artifacts and Biological Matter


Archaeologists at George Washington’s Mount Vernon have unearthed an astounding 35 glass bottles from the 18th century in five storage pits in the Mansion cellar of the nation’s first president. Of the 35 bottles, 29 are intact and contain perfectly preserved cherries and berries, likely gooseberries or currants. The contents of each bottlehave been carefully extracted, are under refrigeration at Mount Vernon, and will undergo scientific analysis. The bottles are slowly drying in the Mount Vernon archaeology lab and will be sent off-site for conservation.


This discovery follows a recent find in the cellar of two intact European-manufactured 18th-century glass bottles containing liquid, cherries, and pits. These archaeological finds are part of the landmark privately funded $40 million Mansion Revitalization Project at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

Photographs and video footage of the bottles’ discovery at Mount Vernon are available here and should be attributed to the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association (MVLA).


“Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine this spectacular archaeological discovery,”said Mount Vernon President & CEO Doug Bradburn. “We were ecstatic last month to uncover two fully intact 18th-century bottles containing biological matter. Now we know those bottles were just the beginning of this blockbuster discovery. To our knowlege, this is an unprecedented find and nothing of this scale and significance has ever been excavated in North America. We now possess a bounty of artifacts and matter to analyze that may provide a powerful glimpse into the origins of our nation, and we are crossing our fingers that the cherry pits discovered will be viable for future germination. It’s so appropriate that these bottles have been unearthed shortly before the 250th anniversary of the United States,” Bradburn said.


“These artifacts likely haven’t seen the light of day since before the American Revolution, perhaps forgotten when George Washington departed Mount Vernon to take command of the Continental Army. This means the bottles are extremely fragile and require the utmost care. The Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association was America's first historic preservation organization, so it’s only fitting that such a remarkable discovery was made here at Mount Vernon. We are fortunate to have top archaeologists and historic preservation experts on staff who know how to effectively manage, analyze, and care for this extraordinary discovery.


“This historic discovery comes at the beginning of our transformational $40 million Mansion Revitalization Project to strengthen and restore the home of the nation’s first president so that it will be stronger than ever when we celebrate America’s 250th birthday in 2026. This historic preservation project is Mount Vernon’s birthday gift to America,” Bradburn added.


Mount Vernon Principal Archaeologist Jason Boroughs said, “These extraordinary discoveries continue to astonish us. These perfectly preserved fruits picked and prepared more than 250 years ago provide an incredibly rare opportunity to contribute to our knowledge of the 18th-century environment, plantation foodways, and the origins of American cuisine. The bottles and contents are a testament to the knowledge and skill of the enslaved people who managed the food preparations from tree to table, including Doll, the cook brought to Mount Vernon by Martha Washington in 1759 and charged with oversight of the estate’s kitchen.”


Mount Vernon has partnered with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) to analyze thecontents of these historic bottles, composed of materials and foodstuffs that are likely 250 years old.

Anonymous ID: 563702 June 14, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.21022649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2923 >>2978


2/2Totally Cool!

While only a small quantity of the samples have been analyzed to date, the findings are significant even at this early stage:

• 54 cherry pits and 23 stems have been identified thus far, suggesting that the bottles were likely full of cherries before bottling. Cherry pulp is also present.

• Microscopy suggests that the cherries may have been harvested by snipping from trees with shears. The stems were neatly cut and purposefully left attached to the fruit before bottling.

• The cherries likely are of a tart variety, which has a more acidic composition that may have aided in preservation.

• The cherries are likely candidates for DNA extraction, which could be compared against a database of heirloom varieties to determine the precise species.

• The pits are undergoing an examination to determine if any are viable for germination.


The Mansion Revitalization Project is underway because today's highly popular

Mansion performs functions it was not designed for. Built as a private residence, it is now a public monument visited by thousands daily, translating to a much heavier traffic flow than the Washingtons could have imagined.

That increased visitation causes wear, tear, and strain on the building fabric. Although repairs throughout the Mansion’s 290-year history have been accomplished using the best techniques available at the time, some of those repairs are now more than a century old.

Significant advances in preservation technology afford exciting opportunities to improve structural and environmental conditions in the building, preparing it for another century of service.


Some of the earliest interventions completed in the Mansion were “localized” repairs intended to solve specific problems of immediate concern. Though successful, such repairs can have unintended consequences that affect the overall health of the Mansion.

With this project, Mount Vernon’s preservation team is proceeding holistically, approaching the Mansion as a complex network of interlocking systems. The primary tasks of the Mansion Revitalization Project include:

• Repairing sections of the Mansion’s framing and masonry

• Installing a new heating/ventilation/air conditioning system

• Improving drainage in and around the Mansion’s cellar

• Conducting research in rarely accessible spaces


When the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association took possession of George Washington’s home in 1860, it faced a monumental restoration challenge. Since then, the MVLA has meticulously restored the Mansion and surrounding outbuildings, turning Mount Vernon into a shining example of historic preservation. After extensive investigation, assessment, research, planning, and design, Mount Vernon is taking proactive steps to ensure the health of the Mansion as it enters its fourth century. The Mansion Revitalization Project is being conducted in four phases and is scheduled for completion in 2026.

Anonymous ID: 563702 June 14, 2024, 11:42 a.m. No.21022706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3044





Bro destroys liberals in one minute




12:52 PM · Jun 14, 2024


Anonymous ID: 563702 June 14, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21022941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2973 >>2978

An incredible plot twist in the Big Fani saga just unfolded in the GA Supreme Court…(Dumb & Dumber Got Caught)

June 14, 2024 (6 hours ago)1/2

Big Fani Willis thought she was on the brink of making a massive splash by taking on President Trump. However, she might not have anticipated how her actions would spark a series of epic misfires that destroyed her entire career. This situation is probably one of the most glorious examples of poetic justice we’ve seen in quite some time. The last time we witnessed such a dramatic fall from grace was with Michael Avenatti. Remember him? His downfall was so complete that he’s now found himself in the unexpected position of supporting President Trump. Talk about coming full circle, right?


As you’ve likely heard, Big Fani Willis is tangled up in a scandal that reads like a daytime soap opera. She’s caught in a messy situation with a married man she appointed (and paid) as an attack dog to go after President Trump. From the looks of it, it seems the couple used taxpayer dollars to fund their steamy escapade. Now, this alone should slam the brakes on her case against Trump, not to mention kick her right out of her job. However, while that drama unfolds, another scandal is brewing, which is a helluva lot worse than her sleazy love affair fiasco.Here’s where it gets spicy: Big Fani and a judge are now under fire for allegedly intimidating witnesses in a case linked to rapper “Young Thug.”All of this surrounds the “Young Slime Life” trial, which started making headlines back in 2022. The case, involving Young Thug and 27 others, was charged with a slew of crimes tied to the notorious street gang “Young Slime Life.” Over six crazy months, the trial featured everything from explosive shouting matches between the judge and prosecutors to this latest jaw-dropping allegation of witness intimidation.


This all came to light after it was leaked that Big Fani Willis’ office and the judge had a secret meeting with a witness—without notifying the defense. Talk about a scandal, right? These people are so immoral and unjust.



Brian Steel, the attorney for Young Thug, said that Fulton County prosecutor Adriane Love and Judge Ural Glanville told the witness, Lil Woody, whose real name is Kenneth Copeland, that he could be held in jail for the remainder of the trial and that those conditions could be true for all 28 defendants in the case.“If that’s true, what this is coercion, witness intimidation, ex parte communications that we have a constitutional right to be present for,” Steel told the judge on Monday.


Steel revealed that the judge and DA’s office met with Copeland and Copeland’s counsel earlier in the day and that “none of the defense team, to my knowledge, was aware that this was going on.”


The revelation angered Glanville who said the meeting was ex parte, which allows the court to meet with one party without requiring all parties to be present.


Glanville demanded to know how Steel found out about the meeting, to which the defense lawyer replied, “I’m not going to answer your question.” The quip only further angered the judge, who said, “If you don’t tell me how you got this information, then you and I are going to have some problems.”


The judge continued: “It’s disturbing how you have somehow surreptitiously gotten information in regards to the court’s private ex parte conversation with a party.”


But Steel held firm, saying he would not disclose how he found out that the court, prosecutors and Copeland had met. “I understand that you’re upset towards me, but I don’t know what I did,” the attorney told Glanville, adding, “What I want to know is why I wasn’t there.”


Glanville threatened to hold Steel in contempt if he didn’t reveal how he found out what was said in his chambers. The judge said he would only give the attorney only five minutes to give up his source before he stormed out of the courtroom. As Glanville walked out, Steel also revealed that Copeland allegedly admitted during that meeting with the judge and prosecutors that he killed Donovan Thomas Jr.Now, the Georgia Supreme Court has stepped into this mess and has officially ruled against Big Fani and the corrupt judge.

Anonymous ID: 563702 June 14, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.21022973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2978 >>2979




BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled against Fani Willis and the corrupt judge in the Young Thug trial where Attorney Brian Steel discovered a plot by Willis and the judge to intimidate witnesses, Willis isn’t just corrupt with the Trump case, she’s corrupt all around.Steel was held in contempt of court by the judgeafter revealing he knew what they were planning andthe GA Supreme Court just stepped in to stop him from going to jail


Now, thanks to this latest fiasco, Big Fani’s prospects of continuing her unjust and immoral crusade against President Trump are looking more like a long shot than ever. However, that hasn’t stopped her disgraced lover, Nathan Wade, from going on CNN and claiming they can still imprison President Trump, even if he wins the 2024 election, despite all the illegal and immoral stuff his hulking lover and he were involved in.



WATCH: Fani Willis’s lover Nathan Wade just told CNN that he thinks they can still put Trump on trial even if he wins the election and is in the White House.


That’s cute, but how is Fani Willis going to do any of that when she herself will be in jail for illegal election interference? She also misused federal funds, a huge crime if you ask me

“I don’t believe it looks good to the rest of the world. But certainly I don’t think that there’s anything that would prevent that from happening.


Not long after, the interview was abruptly ended, and Nathan Wade was ushered off the set.


The New York Post:

A “media consultant” for Nathan Wade interrupted a taped TV interview Wednesday as the ousted former Trump prosecutor was being grilled on the timeline of his relationship with Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.


The bizarre moment unfolded after Wade revealed that he still “regularly speaks” with Willis and has told the embattled DA that the election interference case against former President Donald Trump “will live on” despite his removal.


“When did the romantic relationship between the two of you start?” CNN’s “The Source” host Kaitlan Collins asked Wade before the intrusion.


And while her boyfriend is slithering off low-rated TV sets, Big Fani is in full-blown panic mode.



BREAKING: Fani Willis has filed a motion to the Georgia Court of Appeals begging for them to dismiss the appealof the disqualification motion brought forth in the Trump RICO case.

The court has already docketed the appeal and set a date for arguments.


She’s Clearly PANICKINGNot only are all proceedings in the case postponed, the appeals court will hear the appeal in October and have until March 2025 to make a ruling.

No trial will happen before the election, this motion is a desperate attempt to rescue this garbage case.


Here’s a closeup of the image:

What a mess these two are. Big Fani thought she’d be a progressive left-wing rockstar for going after President Trump, and instead, she’s been revealed to be nothing more than a common hoodlum, using her DEI power to help herself and her lovers. It’s disgusting, and she’s the one who should be prosecuted, not Trump.


In addition, there’s more encouraging news on President Trump’s sham “hush money” trial.


He has three solid grounds to challenge his conviction on appeal in New York. The main point of contention is that the prosecutors failed to pin down an underlying felony for the resurrected misdemeanor bookkeeping charges that had already expired.


It seems the villains’ scheme to take down a good man—whose only “crime” has been to call out fraud and champion the American people—is unraveling fast.


(Now do you understand why she brags about a 99% conviction rate?There are going to be so many people in jail that are going to appeal to the courts to overturn their convictions. How many more people did Fani and the Judge/Judges do this to?)