Anonymous ID: efb5c6 June 14, 2024, 11:24 a.m. No.21022610   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2616 >>2660 >>2685 >>2917

Former NSA Director Joins OpenAI; Will Serve On Board And "Security" Committee


Days after we noted that OpenAI is expanding its lobbying army to influence regulation, the company announced thatformer head of the National Security Agency (NSA) - and the longest-serving leader of USCYBERCOM, Paul M. Nakasone, has joined board- just four months after stepping down at the government's top clandestine data monitoring organization.


Nakasone, a retired US Army general, was nominated to lead the NSA by former President Donald Trump. He directed the agency from 2018 until his departure in February of this year. AsThe Verge notes, Nakasone wrote a WaPo op-ed in support of renewing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was ultimately reauthorized by Congress in April - which contained a "terrifying" supercharged spying provision opposed by privacy advocates on both sides of the aisle in DC.


Per Thursday's release, Nakasone "has served in command and staff positions across all levels of the United States Army with assignments with elite cyber units in the United States, the Republic of Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan."




Anonymous ID: efb5c6 June 14, 2024, 11:58 a.m. No.21022791   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2797 >>2810 >>2874


Attending Zelensky's confab?


A peace summit for Ukraine opens this weekend in Switzerland.


Switzerland will host scores of world leaders this weekend to try to map out the first steps toward peace in Ukraine even though Russia, which launched the war, isn’t attending.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s government didn’t want Russia involved. But the Swiss insist that Russia must be involved at some point, and hope it will join the process one day.


The conference on Saturday and Sunday, underpinned by elements of a 10-point peace formula presented by Zelenskyy in late 2022, is seen as a largely symbolic effort on the part of Kyiv to rally the international community and project strength against Russian might.


But the question looming over the summit will be how the two countries can eventually end the war without Moscow attending.


The conflict has also led to international sanctions against nuclear-armed Russia and raised tensions between NATO and Moscow. The summit comes as Russian forces have been making modest territorial gains in eastern and northeastern Ukraine.


Here’s a look at what to expect from the weekend gathering at the Buergenstock Resort on a cliff overlooking Lake Lucerne.


Who’s going?


Among the stakes will be simple optics: How many countries the Swiss and Ukrainians can draw in.


Swiss officials sent out around 160 invitations. About 90 delegations, including a handful of international organizations like the United Nations, will attend. Roughly half will be from Europe. Zelenskyy led a diplomatic push in Asia and beyond to rally participation.


Several dozen attendees will be heads of state or government, including from France, Poland, Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada.


U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris is meeting Zelenskyy on Saturday on the sidelines of the summit, and she’s also expected to deliver an address.

Who are the major no-shows?


U.S. President Joe Biden, who was wrapping up a visit to Italy on Friday for a Group of Seven summit, opted to dispatch Harris and national security adviser Jake Sullivan.


Biden and Zelenskyy signed a 10-year security agreement Thursday at the G7 summit.


Russia’s key ally China won’t attend. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has said it believes a peace conference should involve both Russia and Ukraine.


The final list of attendees isn’t expected until late Friday, and question marks remain about how key developing countries like India, Brazil and Turkey might take part, if at all.


But so far, under half of the 193 U.N. member countries are planning to attend, testifying to a wait-and-see attitude in many capitals.


“Russia does not have a lot of allies in this particular situation,” said Keith Krause, a professor of international security studies at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. “It has a number of states that are susceptible to being pressured, and a few that actually wish to stand aside, from what they see as a northern, U.S.-Russia, NATO-Russia confrontation.”

What can be expected?


Naysayers say the conference will be short on substantial achievements. President Vladimir Putin’s government doesn’t believe Switzerland, which has lined up behind European Union sanctions on Moscow over the war, is neutral.


Putin said Friday that “without Russia’s participation, without an honest and responsible dialogue with us, it is impossible to reach a peaceful solution in Ukraine and in general regarding global and European security.” He suggested that the conference is ”just another ploy to divert everyone’s attention.”


Participants are expected to unite around an outcome document or a joint plan, and Ukraine will have a lot of input. But ironing out language that delegations can agree upon is still a work in progress.


Andriy Yermak, Zelenskyy’s chief of staff, said that Ukrainian officials wanted countries that respect Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity to be invited. He said the basis of the talks should be a 10-point peace formula that Zelenskyy has presented.


Yermak said Tuesday that Ukraine and the other participants would be preparing a “joint plan” to unite around, “and we’re looking for the possibility in the second summit to invite representative of Russia, and together present this joint plan.”



while they remain alive with the sound of music

Anonymous ID: efb5c6 June 14, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.21022972   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Apollo v Jesus Christ


10 Masonic Ritual Connections To The Apollo 11 Moon Landing


Scottish Rite Blog:

Among the Stars: Freemason Astronauts


Masonic Astronauts

These intrepid rocket men, venturing where few have gone before them, are truly heroes.

Anonymous ID: efb5c6 June 14, 2024, 2 p.m. No.21023199   🗄️.is đź”—kun


the article is just an excuse to peddle moar 17s


17 and the Occult


Many secret occult groups and esoteric orders, like the Freemasons, draw extensively on the symbolism of the number 17 which they codified into their initiation rites and rituals. This included revering the mathematical constant e (2.17…) and using 17 steps in their temples.


Alchemists pointed to 17 as the numerical value of the Hebrew word for “gold,” and saw it as the path to transforming base metals into gold through spiritual work.


The 17th card of the Tarot is The Star, representing renewed hope, faith, and inspiration. In some decks it portrays an astrological motif of 17 stars. These stars were believed to represent each person’s hidden talents and inner resources.


Aleister Crowley, occultist and founder of Thelema theology, identified 17 as a “sacred number” for its role in magick and theurgy rituals. Crowley would use 17 syllabled chants to manifest his will in magical workings.


In Christianity, 17 symbolizes perfection and completion as it follows after the number 7, which represents divine perfection. Jesus performed 17 miracles in the Gospel of John which were seen as fulfillments of Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah.


In Islam’s Quran, chapter 17 is called “The Night Journey” referring to Muhammad’s ascension to heaven. 17 also features in some hadiths, like the 17 prostrations during night prayers. The number connects to Islam’s spiritual roots through Abraham, as 17 was his age when he recognized the One God.


In Judaism’s Torah, God is mentioned 17 times during the Genesis creation narrative. This established a divine mystical connection between God and the number 17. The Passover Seder includes 17 ritualistic steps to commemorate the Exodus story.


In Norse mythology, Loki tricked Hod into killing Baldr with mistletoe after the plant was the 17th thing to vow never to harm Baldr. This mythos cast 17 as a number that could override destiny.


The Bhagavad Gita, considered the Holy Scripture of Hinduism, is traditionally separated into 17 chapters, symbolizing the Spirit’s victory over the Ego to enable bliss. It lays out 17 yogas or spiritual paths.


In mystical schools of thought like numerology, 17 resonates with intellectual and spiritual enlightenment. It’s a prime number that cannot be divided except by 1 and itself, giving it autonomous, stand-alone energy. For numerologists, this denotes independence, ambition, and determination to achieve.


As the sum of 7 and 10, 17 unites spiritual perfection with completion or fulfillment of goals. This has led some to call it the “immortality number.” It signals blessings for those seeking higher purpose and spiritual growth.


With its connection to 1 (new beginnings) and 7 (spiritual mastery), 17 signals the alignment of the physical and ethereal realms in new phase of growth. It is seen as a bridge between “above and below.”