эй секс раб, слишком много анального отбеливателя повернет твое лицо оранжевым
if you know your rhetoricm the scam artists are not scary, they are bumbling yutzes imho https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_of_speech#Tropes
urahomo andatrannypreop
how did this cat get israeli ecstacy in safes though a air firce base while in witness protection with a large gang of skin heads in the nineties ??
Allegory – A sustained metaphor continued through whole sentences or even through a whole discourse. For example: "The ship of state has sailed through rougher storms than the tempest of these lobbyists."
Antanaclasis – is the stylistic trope of repeating a single word, but with a different meaning each time. Antanaclasis is a common type of pun, and like other kinds of pun, it is often found in slogans.
Irony – creating a trope through implying the opposite of the standard meaning, such as describing a bad situation as "good times".
Metaphor – an explanation of an object or idea through juxtaposition of disparate things with a similar characteristic, such as describing a courageous person as having a "heart of a lion".
Metonymy – a trope through proximity or correspondence. For example, referring to actions of the U.S. President as "actions of the White House".
Synecdoche – related to metonymy and metaphor, creates a play on words by referring to something with a related concept: for example, referring to the whole with the name of a part, such as "hired hands" for workers; a part with the name of the whole, such as "the law" for police officers; the general with the specific, such as "bread" for food; the specific with the general, such as "cat" for a lion; or an object with the material it is made from, such as "bricks and mortar" for a building.
Kenneth Burke has called metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and irony the "four master tropes".[7]
this irishman caused so many conflicts of interest between SS cia fbi dea et al teh aliens were involved at a certain point, the narcosadists and necrosadists were exploiting the poor guy like a hamster
when you can know the forked tongue speak the old way , it is easier to sell them a nail
extended play
moar slaves to teh Benin
how many millitary contrators did it take to stop pablo?????
step back hoe
there was a make manga great again rally around the mekel visit and agnar hollodeck midget pr0n ty verne
fyi most of teh cicad rddls were just puzzles for ghosts, they are egregious and pompous and needed a word puzzle out
who wants moar narcopolitics
diy handmade altars buy teh kilo
recovering pedoraptors =say the same thing
that cia cocaine shit
makes teh psyops from teh 40k pedoraptor indicments rather stale from teh other cia failures like frump and challenger and clinton and wtc and obama bc and frumps involvement in pedogate or arizona bay or ms13 gangland
i liked gran torino despite all the racial r=tensions, it was vulgar blunt yet honest and virtuous with an illustrious finish imho ,
tax benefit or illegal ponzzi scheme
free advice for the defendants
if your mind is confused about race you dumb sack of flesh, you will be devoured by the gender(s) frumps trannyshillin thing is into