Anonymous ID: fa1ac9 June 14, 2024, 6:59 p.m. No.21024432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4467



Q Research is Explicitly anti semitic.


Every conspiracy theory that mentions Rothschild as one of the top bad guys is always considered


If Q did not want to be doing an anti semitic conspiracy theory, he would not have mentioned Rothschild..


But he did. Q wanted an anti semitic conspiracy theory.


And we have one.


If Q didn't explain the most important bad guys to us, way back in 2017, the first month or 2, we wouldn't be here right now. Q would have had to rely on bad predictions about Huma and Podesta. Because he changed the subject away from something that provably didn't happen to conspiracy theory 101, people could stick around and talk about what's happening from 40,000 feet. And then it became mostly a version of Free Republic where you weren't banned for talking about Jews.


So, fuck off. Any conspiracy theory with Rothschild at the center is anti semitic. This conspiracy theory has Rothschild at the center. This conspiracy theory is anti semitic. Don't complain about anti semitism on a message board about an anti semitic conspiracy. Go away.