Jesuit infiltration world order
Jesuit infiltration world order
Freemasons, Jesuits, Zionists
different children of the same MOTHER WHORE MYSTERY BABYLON who now lives in Vatican City
49 In the Hermetic-masonic tradition the secret identity of Satan is the cosmic force represent in occult lore as emanating
from the star Sirius, the so called dog star, alpha Canis majoris. In the secret tradition of the Freemasons, Sirius is
overwhelmingly identified with a single primary attribute, the bringing of civilization to earth. Sirius is personified as the
goddess Isis in ancient Egypt. Orion is personified as her consort, and sometime rival, Osiris. The annals emphasize Isis’
“great skill” in working magic with twilight (esoteric) language. According to the fable, Isis resurrected Osiris from the dead
using “the words of power. ”
~Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, 1995
Mysterious Babylon bullshit :)