Human trafficking sight with cover vax instructions… for what are they calling cats? Are they human or cats?
Human trafficking sight with cover vax instructions… for what are they calling cats? Are they human or cats?
So they do not consider people people they consider them there play things…
Do you feel human trafficked yet?
Funny they call it the game…
The object is to try to radicalize republicans… this why they can try to say they need more money for this area and education on how they need to take any guns away or your second amendment rights…
Shooting is how they think they can raise their agenda… fake news to take away constitutional rights get it.
Brain washing just a little bit.
That is the heart of the matter they want to brain wash people… they are not helping they are the problem…
And they want to hear how successful there skit was by gas lighting you to get what they want of behavior. This how they pay there friends and family… so much money… after all what do you do with some degrees that well can’t seem to find jobs. Get them into the movie industry or fake media.
Fun right… you “like”
Watch out this maybe a ploy to try to spread misinformation lol
You know kinda seems like patriot front propaganda. This is why people say or have a disclaimer on they are not giving finacial advice. Notice this could be seen as just a meme… lol
Note how they want to make it as if republicans are doing this and so on… to what… lol
Think about it…
Seems like the communist/progressive want to eliminate cash… lol
Are they dropping hints lol there next plan is to go after the subway tip jar… lol music tip jars lol this is the top priority of the government lol