Might as well really make 'em mad. How's your night going, clowns? Having fun? Are you winning?
Yup, they're attacking Pig rather than trying to implicate every Jew in the world into the projections of their own crimes.
I don't IP hop, VaticanClown, not like you, ya l'il bitch.
Sorry, but I don't subscribe to your fucking "try to be as incognito as possible" expect us clown bullshit. You're filtered, lackey, for even having the inkling to try and nudge my behavior. Weakling.
Oh, looks like they're splitting fire now, attacking both Pig and trying to implicate every Jew in the world. And they stick with it, like mindless animals. They have to be bots because there could be no person that fucking stupid. There's no way there's someone that dumb.
Hate to break it to you, dude, but your Reddit spacing is the cause of all your problems right now. The broken narrative you're peddling is secondary.
This just popped back into the forefront of thought and it's nagging. Last bread an Anon in the Spacey discussion mentioned that the Clinton's could have murdered those people taking him to court without his knowledge. I replied, "That's true" and something else. That's factually incorrect. I should have said, "That could be true." It wasn't truth, it was a plausible hypothetical. I could see them doing that not only to protect themselves but to keep him under their thumb.
KEK. No.
Wrong. You're filtered.
I'm half-tempted not to filter any of them next bread. It's so quiet when you put them in their little shithole. Too quiet.
It's a disco kind of night tonight.
KEK. Inspired me to try the same. Thanks, Pig. o7
> as I stayed Anon.
At 53 posts you're so anon here that it gets you the filter. Enough of your shit.
Are you still crying over personality that you do not control nor can you hijack successfully, you brokeback bitter bitch?
Everything aside, that's some nice weathering and rust effect with the paint. And the dolls shall paintโฆ
>I can't imagine the hours he puts in
For the painting, I can, but the robotics, drilling out the required areas of the dolls and models and adding the mechanical doodads and whatnots to themโฆ I can guess, but only on how I would half-ass it.
>Anyone want to dig on this? Seems self explanatory to meโฆ
What's the point of digging then if it's self-explanatory? Knock yourself out, it's all yours.
I like how they don't even fuck with me anymoar. Just imitate and tag and try to make the lurkers and new eyes think they're the paragons of virtue and the poster of a certain smoking frog is a blight that must be destroyed.
Hey, dipshit, your Alinsky and Goebbels tactics aren't going to work. You're not going to convince everyone what you say just because you say it repeatedly. You're not going to push your negative through to become a positive. You're going to fail every fucking time you try here, you complete fool. At least you're paid to post your bullshit though, right? Fucking clown.
Oh they're big mad now. Trying to get it so the BV's delete the original post along with theirs. KEK. Standing back.