Save the Children Attack (24 Jan 2018) Afghanistan
See attached BigAssGraphics
I want to shy away from rushing in with the obvious “Children’s Charity=Child Trafficking” idea but the attack on the Save the Children office in Afghanistan is pretty weird and raises more than a few RED_RED flags. This is a bitter pill to swallow but I’m balls deep in this one and I’m sure you guys are comfortable with the idea of relief organizations perpetuating the exact crimes they were set up to prevent. (think Laura Silsby-Haiti-Red Cross)
It’s another example of one of (((their))) favourite tactics; Regulatory Capture, where-by the agency that is responsible for investigation is completely compromised by the offenders so that no prosecution ever eventuates and they can easily evade any attempts to regulate their activites. – think EPA signing off on environmental destruction.
Diggers: I have some questions in mind and I need your help to either confirm or deny my thinking. Please tell me where I’m wrong on this. If you can think of a better explanation I want to hear it. Bakers: please add this to the dough if you feel like it’s a worthy reply to my pre-baked theory on the Kabul bombing >>193427
What is there to be gained by murdering aid workers? Why would a terrorist lay down his life for this cause, only to appear as a monstrous killer who attacks humanitarian agencies? The Average Joehammad condemns this kind of thing as being an outrage to society. What good does this do for his cause? Surely that fighter’s life is better spent attacking a military checkpoint, a police station, a financial institution…There must be something of great value to them at that location. Who profits?
I wondered if it might be a cover for destroying evidence, ie hard drives, documents etc to conceal a crime or a money laundering operation. Maybe they were tying up some loose ends. A quick dig on gooble reveals the agencies strong ties with the CIA (see failed oBummer Vaccine Program = OBL DNA Psyop -Fabricated Raid on Geronimo’s Hideout - Seal Team 6 Heli Crash Assassination.)
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack after some delay through their mouthpiece AMAQ which also notoriously tried to credit ISIS with the Las Vegas False Flag. The MSM were happy to go along with this idea and filled their news articles with quotes from AMAQ spokespeople. We all know that ISIS is the deep state’s proxy army that they use to carry out their dirty work. See trump’s bill to stop funding ISIS. (thanks Tulsi) The MSM wants us to believe that ISIS are religious zealots that will sacrifice themselves to carnage and chaos. That’s bullshit, they’re hired mercenaries. Unfortunately the MSM is pretty much our only sauce covering the situation so you must read the articles
>slowly and carefully.
I’ve edited some a collection of articles for you in the attached graphic.
Some of the early reports put the blame simply on “gunmen” not terrorists …others suggest that the attack was carried out by men dressed in military uniforms. (sound familiar? Think San Bernardino, Bataclan) However, the news mentions a room full of hostages who are later liberated by the military. The body count doesn’t match up. Initial casualty reports claim only a small handful of deaths despite the compound being surrounded by commandos. Why weren’t these heavily armed “terrorists” able to inflict much damage against a soft target? The “attackers” don’t appear to be included the official death toll. It’s as if they merged into the official Afghani security forces soon after.
It points towards this being a raid by /ourguys/ on a rouge agency that was keeping children hostage in a secure compound. Is there a child trafficking route that runs from Afghanistan to SA?
>TARGETED attack kills Save The Children workers in Afghanistan
>Save the Children Pakistan chief under pressure after 'fake CIA vaccination' campaign
>White House Letter - CIA Director cancels fake vaccination program
LEV 25/45-46