Anonymous ID: e1336f June 16, 2024, 4:17 a.m. No.21030809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0818


The United States and Ukraine signed a 10-year security assistance pact during the G7 Summit on Friday. The pact commits the US to training and equipping Ukrainian forces through the expulsion of Russian forces from Ukraine and beyond.

With the signing of this 10-year agreement, the United States and Ukraine will work together to:

Build and maintain Ukraine’s credible defense and deterrence capability. The agreement lays out a vision for a Ukrainian future force that is strong, sustainable, and resilient. The United States and Ukraine will deepen security and defense cooperation and collaborating closely with Ukraine’s broad network of security partners. We will support the full range of Ukraine’s current defensive needs now and over the long term by helping Ukraine win the war and strengthening its deterrence capabilities against future threats. Together, we will expand intelligence sharing, enhance interoperability between our militaries in line with NATO standards, and work with our allies and partners to position Ukraine as a long-term contributor to European security.

Strengthen Ukraine’s capacity to sustain its fight over the long term, including by building on efforts to bolster in Ukraine’s defense industrial base, and supporting its economic recovery and energy security.

Accelerate Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration, including through Ukraine’s implementation of reforms to its democratic, economic, and security institutions in line with its EU accession goals and NATO’s program of reforms.

Achieve a just peace that respects Ukraine’s rights under international law, is underwritten by broad global support, upholds the key principles of the UN Charter, including sovereignty and territorial integrity, and includes accountability for Russia’s actions.

Consult in the event of a future Russian armed attack against Ukraine at the highest levels to determine appropriate and necessary measures to support Ukraine and impose costs on Russia.

This agreement, together with the mutually reinforcing security agreements and arrangements Ukraine has signed with a broad network of partners under the G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine, is a key part of Ukraine’s bridge to NATO membership. As President Biden said in Vilnius last year and as NATO allies have agreed, Ukraine’s future is in NATO. We are not waiting for the NATO process to be completed to make long-term commitments to Ukraine’s security to address the immediate threats they face and deter any aggression that may occur.

Anonymous ID: e1336f June 16, 2024, 4:22 a.m. No.21030819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0941

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published an article on Thursday calling for a “reinvention” of the global food supply and praising “alternative proteins” made by “animal-free” products.

The WEF is an international advocacy organization founded by Klaus Schwab that seeks to bring world leaders together “to shape global, regional and industry agendas.” The organization has been criticized in the past for publishing an article encouraging people to eat bugs to “reduce climate change.”

In Thursday’s article, titled “Feeding the future: why Renovation and Reinvention are key to saving our food system,” WEF New Frontiers of Nutrition Project Fellow Juliana Weltman Glezer laments the greenhouse gas emissions caused by food production and warns of a 60% increase in food demand when the worldwide population hits 10 billion.

“Many of the ways we grow, manufacture and consume food are causing a dual crisis of human and environmental health, and the complexity will only intensify,” Glezer wrote.

“The food transition aims to reshape the way society produces, distributes, consumes and discards food – a transformation that will impact the mutual advancement of human and environmental health,” the article added.

The article then compared an overhaul of the food system to the global transition to renewable energy, such as solar and wind power and electric vehicles.

“The food transition involves a similarly comprehensive transformation, with two different stages of change: Renovation and Reinvention,” Glezer wrote. “While Renovation makes incremental improvements across the food value chain, Reinvention aims for systemic change: the fully scaled reorientation of food production in a way that alters the underlying structures within the modern food industry.”

In the article, the author puts forward a two-step plan to reshape the global food supply: “Renovate recipes and packages” and “Reinvent the system.” The first step calls for the “immediate reduction of more harmful ingredients and components in our food, including excessive levels of salt, sugar, fat and additives.” Glezer writes the world can “mitigate adverse effects on pubic health” by reformulating nutrition.

“Renovation could also mean adding probiotics to an existing product to improve microbiome health,” the article adds.

In the second step, “reinventing the system,” the WEF writer praises companies such as Nestlé that have developed “animal-free protein powder.” Nestlé said in 2022 that its “animal-free” product is made through fermentation and “is identical to the whey protein found in cow’s milk.”