Anonymous ID: b67a74 Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked June 16, 2024, 7:14 a.m. No.21031487   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked


The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women, putting in place the mechanism for a mandatory military draft of those women.


This news comes on the heels of the US House Armed Services Committee just approving an amendment to the NDAA that automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafted into war.


So now, mechanisms are in place to draft both men and women, thus making sure that young "woke" men don't evade the draft by simply "self-identifying" as women. It's not yet clear whether America's woke youth may attempt to self-identify as imaginary fantasy creatures, since there's nothing in the NDAA that authorizes mandatory military service for wood fairies, tree elves or rainbow gnomes.


Equal opportunity = Equality opportunity to DIE for this corrupt regime. This is how "replacement theory" works. The mass murderers in charge send citizens to die in foreign wars which were entirely avoidable, while illegal immigrants take over their homes, jobs, communities and political leaders.


Notably, this NDAA authorization effort also: "Requires a DOD plan for deterring and defeating simultaneous aggression by two near-peer nuclear competitors, including requirements for nuclear force sizing." This means the USSA is preparing for nuclear war with both Russia and China [which is staged to destroy America and the West].


The draft is on. Men and women will be sent to war (if they allow this to happen!). The dollar will be printed into oblivion, leaving the American masses impoverished. The government will invoke the NDAA to seize all food and fuel supplies nationwide, and they will weaponize the scarcity of food and energy to inflict a mass die-off of the American people.


The occupying, illegitimate US federal government, after all, is not merely at war with Russia and China. It's at war with the American people. And there's nothing it won't do to achieve mass death and destruction on a global scale.


As America's psychopathic warmongers like Sen. Lindsay Graham are begging for global nuclear war with Russia, Iran and China, the rest of the pro-war government establishment is getting things ready to throw millions of young American men and women into the global war meat grinder.


Those who do not see this coming, and who do not prepare accordingly to get out of dodge and protect themselves and families, will be destroyed by it.


Watch the recent emergency interview with Steve Quayle here to learn the full details of what's about to go down:

Anonymous ID: b67a74 June 16, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.21031494   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1522 >>1799 >>1923


Biden Regime's End Game Plan To Destroy America And Europe Has Been Leaked


The FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act initiates mandatory selective service registration for American women, putting in place the mechanism for a mandatory military draft of those women.


This news comes on the heels of the US House Armed Services Committee just approving an amendment to the NDAA that automatically registers all American males (within the draft age window) for the Selective Service System. This means all American males of draft age can be involuntarily drafted into war.


So now, mechanisms are in place to draft both men and women, thus making sure that young "woke" men don't evade the draft by simply "self-identifying" as women. It's not yet clear whether America's woke youth may attempt to self-identify as imaginary fantasy creatures, since there's nothing in the NDAA that authorizes mandatory military service for wood fairies, tree elves or rainbow gnomes.


Equal opportunity = Equality opportunity to DIE for this corrupt regime. This is how "replacement theory" works. The mass murderers in charge send citizens to die in foreign wars which were entirely avoidable, while illegal immigrants take over their homes, jobs, communities and political leaders.


Notably, this NDAA authorization effort also: "Requires a DOD plan for deterring and defeating simultaneous aggression by two near-peer nuclear competitors, including requirements for nuclear force sizing." This means the USSA is preparing for nuclear war with both Russia and China [which is staged to destroy America and the West].


The draft is on. Men and women will be sent to war (if they allow this to happen!). The dollar will be printed into oblivion, leaving the American masses impoverished. The government will invoke the NDAA to seize all food and fuel supplies nationwide, and they will weaponize the scarcity of food and energy to inflict a mass die-off of the American people.


The occupying, illegitimate US federal government, after all, is not merely at war with Russia and China. It's at war with the American people. And there's nothing it won't do to achieve mass death and destruction on a global scale.


As America's psychopathic warmongers like Sen. Lindsay Graham are begging for global nuclear war with Russia, Iran and China, the rest of the pro-war government establishment is getting things ready to throw millions of young American men and women into the global war meat grinder.


Those who do not see this coming, and who do not prepare accordingly to get out of dodge and protect themselves and families, will be destroyed by it.


Watch the recent emergency interview with Steve Quayle here to learn the full details of what's about to go down:

Anonymous ID: b67a74 June 16, 2024, 7:22 a.m. No.21031519   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1529



This is some serious shit, THEY ARE THAT DESPERATE!!! The neo-cons and libshits just passed a DRAFT resolution in Congress. They seriously want us White Americans culled in a meat grinder and REPLACED by illegal immigrants (slave labor!)



Anonymous ID: b67a74 June 16, 2024, 7:38 a.m. No.21031573   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1578 >>1657

I'm losing faith in this countryโ€ฆ. where is the anger? Where is the commitment to DEFEND yourself and your family, your own kids!? 100 years ago these criminal child abusers would have been, rightfully, lynched!

Anonymous ID: b67a74 June 16, 2024, 7:46 a.m. No.21031601   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


They say "trust the plan" but will they trust our government when they kidnap their children and throw them into some foreign meat grinder? I mean they fucking allow schools to abuse their children sexually, what comes next? Bending over yourself without the lube? This is not America, it's not how our country was founded.