POS Norman tyrant James version
Felony meddling
Daily Mail is Rupert Murdoch haka without the page 3 girl
King James says…
They have no extraordinary constitutional rights. At minimum, except for MTG and to a lesser degree Ron Paul, everybody sitting in those chambers for the last 111 years is guilty of misprision of Treason, in addition to misprision of felony for all the rackets they witness each other doing. This makes them all National security criminals. I don't see the cops doing anything about it, so add them to this list; they never buck the chain of payola. If any citizen witnesses a felony or Treason, it their duty to report it to other citizens. This is the one responsibility laid on all adult US citizens in the Constitution.
10,000 acres = 15 square miles of scrub
They have a saying in Commiefornia: After a fire a city springs up from the ashes. Connected gangsters typically burn their investment because it is the cheapest way to get through otherwise crippling, illegal EPA and zoning "policies" intended to deny American citizens our Constitutional rights.
There are more crypto traders than black voters. There are a lot more crypto traders than LGBTQ-s, convicts and criminal invaders, combined.
This isn't capitalism. This is ZOG. Just like everywhere else. Let these assholes complain about it in their righteous, freedom loving home nations. I will enjoy watching them on yt.
Treating every person like they're the dumbest, most vicious animal on the planet, works.