Anonymous ID: f4aae9 June 16, 2024, 9:21 a.m. No.21032093   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2098 >>2154

>>21031967 lb

the god of the bible isn't the creator. it's more than that.

god is love.

not hate

not war

not evil.


creator is compassionate.forgiving and loads more.

the bible is the legend. it tells you who is who.

i can't explain it.

I believe in the creator, i don't believe in gods. i believe in guardians angels if u will.

the creator left the legend for you to understand.

it's so crazy.. noone would believe because they are being taught wrong.

rooting on a destruction of people hoping for a better greener grass.

that is cruel, not a god, not the creator.

have a woman raped all her life when all she wanted was love then kill her son is cruel. not a god but evil. rage war on her.

what god do you serve?

Anonymous ID: f4aae9 June 16, 2024, 10:21 a.m. No.21032434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2674



not when he tazzes your 14yr kid and dimwitted he didn't know the law states he wasn't allowed to do that.

if they want respect they have to show respect according to the law.

don't kidnap someone off their porch for washing dishes.

don't come barging in on a fake call in the middle of the night because someone was jealous you had someone over they didn't want there.

how bout trying to not instigate a fight while on duty"you wanna fight?" when your being corporative and not saying a word. touch my boobs again bitch.

how bout the time when they are told who beat you up and you point them up and they look and come back and said they couldn't find him, but to find out he was one of their biggest drug… i could go on…..

it's crazy how the position of being a cop/military leader/a gov/sen/any servant position makes them think they are better than the people they serve.

they need retaught the values. maybe the rest of the world does to.

Anonymous ID: f4aae9 June 16, 2024, 11:38 a.m. No.21032783   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anon the law is the law. Each time they failed at different departments.

You are quick to judge and assume. It wasn't a he it was a she but regardless.

I had one cop come to me and ask me the names of my children. He says nope don't know them, which means you must be doing something right.

Not all are bad, but they need to get rid of the bad seeds.

omeday your kid will probably blame you for him being tazed and say to himself 'why didn't my parents teach me respect?'

My child had to sit thru a couple girls throwing fit at her while she was manager at a restaurant because they were white, but claimed they were black. I was so proud of her of how calm she was to handle the situation. Unfortunately she still had to have cops escort them out because they wouldn't leave.

She doesn't blame me for showing her to stand up on her own.