Yebssksl ID: 750f34 Hsiz June 16, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.21033678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trumps a traitor

As Hillary and Obama

As Rothschild's

And Soros

As bush and Oswald


Trump is sitting on 2 books with cures for 4 months now,


According to anons and comedians

Certain things are bad.

How many players on a football team

How many times did football teams visit the Whitehouse

That's a lot of death delivered by Trump, according to anons.

Trump owns hotels, what are theain sources of revenue for a hotel, list 7.

Trump owns clothes labels

Who pulls the strings.


Miss universe whore recruitment

The apprentice.

Trumps an msm whore.


Wow California is a shithole

All of it

Los Angeles and it's shit everywhere

Reflects what angels dd to the world forQ.

San Francisco, FAGGOT center of the world. Plus dirty as shit

Nobody picks the trash there


Florida, where trump is now.



Full of wetbacks

Fucking spicksaintain the US economy

Wanna end immigration

It's a crime to hire

U don't need to chase wetbacks moron

Just shit every restaurant construction business, cleaning business, oh shit

Americans don't so those jobs.



De leal no tiene nada


Sent me to hell

Now I wne to walk out.

I'd rather be like Tesla

Oh shit another lie….

Anyway… Nigga Tsela Yid heart

Died of a broken heart cause he wanted shit free for the world.


So fuck your Jesus story.

If what u claim is true

They don't deserve forgiveness

They dot deserve to pass.

So come on Odin,

Show me your power,

Kill them, in zero hour

If what u say is true,

Then kill all the traitors,

If not, well fuck you.