Anonymous ID: 83babe June 17, 2024, 9:19 a.m. No.21037015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7508 >>7622

Seems easy


AAF’s Emergency Action Plan

  1. Forces Congress to declare an Invasion at our southern border - If Congress declares an “invasion”, our Constitution gives states the power to go around the weak Biden administration to secure the border for themselves.

  2. Holds accountable Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas - His refusal to enforce laws that secure our border is an utter disgrace. He needs to be removed from his post immediately and held accountable.

  3. Forces a vote on H.R. 2 - the Secure the Border Act - This piece of legislation forces Biden and his administration to resume construction of the border wall, increase the number of Border Patrol agents and provide bonus pay, end Biden’s horrible “catch-and-release” scheme, and strengthen laws to protect unaccompanied children from human trafficking.

Anonymous ID: 83babe June 17, 2024, 10:53 a.m. No.21037565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reagan-style… you say?


“FREEDOM is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Reagan




Pence guides GOP to Reagan-style conservative, anti-abortion, anti-tax agenda


Paul Bedard

June 17, 2024 12:14 pm


Former Vice President Mike Pence said on Monday that he is strengthening his effort to bring the Republican Party’s wandering into populism back to Ronald Reagan-style conservatism, which many consider the original GOP populist position.


Viewed by key Republicans as a chief conservative anchor, Pence said he plans to expand his organization to help revive core principles of the movement he has been a part of for over 40 years.

“We’re in a time for choosing in the conservative movement,” Pence, the founder of Advancing American Freedom, said in a statement shared with Secrets on Monday.


In expanding his organization and installing key conservatives in top positions, Pence, associates said, is planning to broaden his effort to energize Republicans going into the fall elections, in which he hopes to win a GOP-controlled House and Senate and elect his old boss and 2024 rival, former President Donald Trump.


“They have no identity crisis about conservatism, and they expect to play a big role in pushing these principles — economic, cultural, national security/immigration, foreign policy — forward as a new Congress and president get elected,” one insider said.

For example, Pence’s group is expected to push to renew the Trump tax cuts and build support for Israel. And look for it to promote an anti-abortion agenda and fight to end the crisis at the border.


Pence reinforced his goals with changes to his organization on Monday. Tim Chapman, who was a senior adviser to AAF, will be promoted to president. Paul Teller, who has served as the group’s executive director since its founding, will be executive vice president.


Both are well-known activists in the conservative movement.


In a statement shared with Secrets, AAF said, “These changes come at a time of upheaval in the conservative movement, where Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand for the time-honored principles that have created a winning movement for the last 40 years. Earlier this year, AAF announced a goal of $20 million for its overall 2024 budget and is currently on track to meet or exceed that goal. These personnel advancements reflect a commitment by the AAF board of directors, its founder Mike Pence, and our many supporters across the nation to build a permanent beachhead for conservative principles in Washington, D.C.”


The $20 million was raised for three goals: stop the GOP’s drift into populism, promote the conservative movement’s core policies, especially on China and foreign policy, and push its founding agenda of free trade.


Addressing the changes, the former 2024 presidential candidate said, “Tim Chapman is a principled conservative leader with decades of experience in the conservative movement, and Advancing American Freedom is privileged to have him joining our leadership team.” He added, “I am also grateful for the work of Paul Teller over the past three years and am thrilled to have him continue to serve as a critical part of the leadership team in this next phase of Advancing American Freedom.”


Chapman and Teller also said firming up the leadership of AAF should help Pence’s influence

Anonymous ID: 83babe June 17, 2024, 11:23 a.m. No.21037739   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I’m only hearing of this plot from those that are connected to Flynn.


PDJT said that he doesn’t think that they will replace him, we’re too far in!