Anonymous ID: f2d34e June 17, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.21037700   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Oh yeah! CommunistGlobalist MilitaryIndustrialComplex New World Order, fuckers!!

Mike Pence said on Monday that he is strengthening his effort to bring the Republican Party’s wandering into populism back to Ronald Reagan-style conservatism, which many consider the original GOP populist position.


VID1 (00:50) Feb., 2017 Alan Dershowitz: “Ronald Reagan made a deal with the Iranians about the hostages release before he was elected…”

… Nevertheless, several individuals—most notably former Iranian President Abulhassan Banisadr, former Naval intelligence officer and U.S. National Security Council member Gary Sick and former Reagan/Bush campaign staffer and White House analyst Barbara Honegger — have stood by the allegation. …. As I sifted through this mass of material, I began to recognize a curious pattern in the events surrounding the 1980 election… In the course of hundreds of interviews, in the U.S., Europe and the Middle East, I have been told repeatedly that individuals associated with the Reagan-Bush campaign of 1980 met secretly with Iranian officials to delay the release of the American hostages until after the Presidential election. For this favor, Iran was rewarded with a substantial supply of arms from Israel… I knew about certain events that could not possibly be known to most of the sources, yet their stories confirmed those facts. It was the absence of contradictions on the key elements of the story that encouraged me to continue probing. This weight of testimony has overcome my initial doubts…


Study: 1986 Reagan Amnesty Invited a Surge of Immigration, Terrorism, Fraud

The last widespread amnesty, signed by former President Ronald Reagan in 1986, invited a surge of immigration to the United States, allowed terrorists to stay in the country, and inflated fraud, according to a new study….


Media Consolidation – brought to you by Reagan and Clinton

In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S.

… in 2000, the number had fallen to six

1981    [Reagan Presidency] Reagan Administration deregulation under the leadership of FCC Chairman Mark Fowler. Deregulatory moves, some made by Congress, others by the FCC included extending television licenses to five years from three in 1981. The number of television stations any single entity could own grew from seven in 1981 to 12 in 1985…. 1985    [Reagan Presidency] Guidelines for minimal amounts of non-entertainment programming are abolished. FCC guidelines on how much advertising can be carried per hour are eliminated.

1987    [Reagan Presidency] "Fairness Doctrine" eliminated. At its founding the FCC viewed the stations to which it granted licenses as "public trustee" — and required that they made every reasonable attempt to cover contrasting points of views. * Lifted from 12 the number of local TV stations any one corporation could own… If the Trends set in motion by Ronald Reagan, and continued by Bill Clinton, are allowed to proceed unchecked as they have for 2 decades, this is the likely Future we will face. Instead of the "Big Six" Media Conglomerates – we'll end up with the "Titanic Two”.


VID2 (2:12) is 1947 Hearings on COMMUNISTS in hollywood. Listen to the contrast of the first two men, to the third (the SAG president).