Anonymous ID: 26115a June 17, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.21038057   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The Regaliawas old, and an old, browned-out red,

Like Dijon moutard on which someone had bled;


Bound east from Coconava.


She was registered, maybe, in San Salvador

And she flew certain flags from before the Great War.


Who speaks of Ponte Vedra?


..or of where that bastardly boiler was from;

From hell is my geuss where it doubtless had come


In handy for tough cases.


And the crew? Well, the crew was a Dani-El's den,

of butt-fuckers, banshees and sad, tongueless men


Who lived for conversation.


It was they who were first to report the disease

which spread to the rats and illegal Chinese


Put on at Surabaya.


And at night came the jim-jams, at night came the cries;

of murder and merger and God damn their eyes


In half a hundred lingos.


And believe me, the black man himself would turn pale,

If made to stand watch in a towering gale,


Half mad with Java fever.


And by this point I didn't know chowder from chum

For ever since Oudh I'd been cutting the rum


With laudanum, and ether.


But I did see a merman off Porto Design,

an elderly fellow, he held up a sign,


It read: "They know you're coming."


In the straights of Malacca a monster appeared,

accepted our cook and said, "Don't be afeared.


"The world's no worse than you are."


That may be, but it isn't a cure for the pox,

The ones with the balls and a brain in their box


Jumped ship in Yokohama.


While the rest of us, feeling a bisseleh stiffed

Took on certain stores, if you follow my drift –


And made for San Francisco.


Well, we got there God damn it, as I'm here to say,

Though porpoises pushed us a part of the way


(That boiler was a bastard.)


In the hold was a fortune in copra and jute,

The captain's remains and a marvelous fruit,


Unknown in San Francisco.