Anonymous ID: 072652 June 17, 2024, 3:03 p.m. No.21039014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9018 >>9036 >>9060 >>9172

>>21038569 pb


Vaccines cause harm. But there's a law protecting them from liability.


Lying causes harm. That's something different.


Also, a court said that the "vaccine" might not actually be a vaccine. Not Kansas though, west coast, court of appeals I think.


Pfizer should be ripped to shreds.

Anonymous ID: 072652 June 17, 2024, 4:53 p.m. No.21039235   🗄️.is 🔗kun




What the circuit court said, I think, was something like "going to need to decide later whether it's a vaccine or not" so no motion to dismiss. something like that.


The law saying "no suing vaccine manufacturers" (or whatever the law said) was written before the definition of vaccine was changed.


This mrna shot was not considered a vaccine when the law was passed preventing lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers.


If, say, someone killed a lot of Jews, that person would expect to go to jail for murder. But if the Jew killer was able to get the meaning of the word "vaccine" changed to include Jew killing, would that mean that the Jew killer wouldn't go to jail?


When the law saying no punishment for vaccine manufacturers was passed, the government was not thinking at all that vaccine meant Jew killing. And they weren't thinking that vaccine meant


It doesn't matter what vaccine means now. What matters is what vaccine meant when the law was passed.


Also relevant to Title IX and trannys.