Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:01 p.m. No.21038633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8644


> VIOLENT and THREATENING PSYCHO would not let go

indeed, you should not fuck with him anymore especially when you called him a clown baker.

but again you did handoff last bread and therefore by defaul have divided anons and this bread is moot.


ty for your coop

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.21038727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8753 >>8756 >>8772

Clown Bake confirmed, does not normally bake

targets anon with notables confirmed

Causes Division and Animosity confirmed

Claimes victimhood after duragotory baker remark confirmed



>He hates gerbil HAHAHHAHAHAHHA

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:23 p.m. No.21038765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8779 >>9090 >>9195 >>9197



#25796-B >>21037785

>>21037795 @SenRandPaul Don't miss our hearing tomorrow morning! #FAUCI

>>21037828 Australian Consumers Hit with Egg Limits as Half a Million Birds Culled

>>21037830 Spain opposes NATO troops in Ukraine

>>21037837 Fake ‘Meat’ Products Linked to Heart Failure Deaths?

>>21037840 Israel is upgrading its nuclear arsenal despite not publicly acknowledging its possession of nuclear weapons.?!

>>21037845 Deadly explosion rocks Czech military base used to train Ukrainians

>>21037847 First Black Navy Seal PAssed Away At 88

>>21037884 6 arrested as 35 tonnes of cocaine seized at major European ports

>>21037883 lb Q1201 Trump Card coming.

>>21037931 Las Vegas jury delivers $3B award in bottled water lawsuit

>>21037950 175,000+ Weed-Linked Convictions to be Mass Pardoned.

>>21037972 Biden’s WH Tranny Accused of Rape

>>21037977 Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US

>>21037981 Meet the nation's newest railcar system

>>21037974 NJ Political Boss George Norcross Indicted In Corruption Scheme

>>21038012 A 17 year old girl, who refused covid shot, has died after Australian hospital refuses to give her lung transplant over it

>>21038013 Supreme Court Rules 5-4 Against Illegal Aliens Contesting Their U.S. Deportations

>>21038025 Elite Scientists Link Sudden Cardiac Deaths to mRNA Shots

>>21038091 Women MUST register for the military draft in new bill pushed by Senate Armed Services Committee

>>21038127 @Jim_Jordan 42 shot. 7 killed. One weekend.

>>21038235 @senatorbabet It took my team and I almost two years to get the Senate to agree to an Excess Mortality inquiry

>>21038239 Attorney General Garland Targets “Conspiracy Theories” After Launching “Election Threats Task Force” with FBI

>>21038310 US Government says "Ukraine must defeat Russia in order to join NATO."

>>21038325 White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claims videos of President Joe Biden’s gaffs are edited “deepfakes.” #RightOnQ

>>21038332 4:30 PM EDT Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on Conflict-Related Sexual Violence

>>21038301 "Upcoming Report Will Expose Horrors" Of Biden's Lost 85,000 Migrant Children In America

>>21038386 Kansas AG Kris Kobach Announces a Lawsuit Against Pfizer for 'Misleading & Deceptive Statements Made MP4

>>21038380 #Narcissism

>>21038552 #25796-B

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:23 p.m. No.21038768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8783 >>9090 >>9195 >>9197

#25796-A >>21037785

>>21038394 Anon Bun See Below

>>21037800 P Diddy and Russell Brand Old Private Jet Footage

>>21037840 According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Israel is upgrading its nuclear arsenal despite not publicly acknowledging its possession of nuclear weapons.

>>21037845 Deadly explosion rocks Czech military base used to train Ukrainians

>>21037868 Biden DOJ Unseals Indictment Against Doctor Who Blew Whistle On Child Sex Changes

>>21037884 6 arrested as 35 tonnes of cocaine seized at major European ports

>>21037891 CFTC Orders Trafigura to Pay $55 Million for Fraud, Manipulation and Impeding Communications with the CFTC

>>21037931 Las Vegas jury delivers $3B award in bottled water lawsuit - Watch the water

>>21037937, >>21038118 Blood Money: The Weapons Manufacturers Profiting From The Gaza Genocide

>>21037947 Biden’s WH Tranny Accused of Rape — Blamed Having a ‘Phallus.’

>>21037974 NJ Political Boss George Norcross Indicted In Corruption Scheme

>>21037977 Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US

>>21038034 Illegal immigrant police could soon fill beleaguered ranks of blue city - Seattle

>>21038051 Strategic Deactivation of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTACs and siRNA Therapy

>>21038052 John Kerry used government email alias as secretary of state, whistleblowers say

>>21038091 Women MUST register for the military draft in new bill pushed by Senate Armed Services Committee - The Hill

>>21038223 How the IRS went soft on billionaires and corporate tax cheats

>>21038235 It took my team and I almost two years to get the Senate to agree to an Excess Mortality inquiry. Public hearings were held last week

>>21038239 ttorney General Garland Targets “Conspiracy Theories” After Launching “Election Threats Task Force” with FBI, Sparking Censorship Concerns

>>21038301 "Upcoming Report Will Expose Horrors" Of Biden's Lost 85,000 Migrant Children In America

>>21038325 White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claims videos of President Joe Biden’s gaffs are edited “deepfakes.”

>>21038386 Kansas AG Kris Kobach Announces a Lawsuit Against Pfizer for 'Misleading & Deceptive Statements Made in Marketing Its COVID-19 Vaccine

>>21038404 President Donald Trump said in a new fundraising email that his campaign donors will help to choose his running mate.

>>21038419 Anon Bun See More Below

>>21037883, >>21037391 (lb) - Q1201 TRUMP Card coming.

>>21038080, >>21038100, Donaldo 2:48 #FLYROTHSFLY#

>>21038111 Donaldo 3:19 Timestamp my post re: US Military vs. POTUS' Tweet. We are in this together.

>>21038161, >>21038330 @ilpresidento 3:21 Post: 1:34 US Mil, POTUS: 1:37 US Mil; DO NOT FEAR ~ STAND UNITED and STRONG!

>>21037974 RICO charges. grand jury proceedings unsealed today.

>>21038052 John Kerry used government email alias as secretary of state, whistleblowers say

>>21038478 The making of my Beautiful Gold Sneakers, handcrafted each. COMING SOON! #SOON

>>21038328 FBI suddenly cancels Capitol Hill briefing on warrant-proof encryption

>>21038300, >>21038386 Kansas is Suing Pfizer

>>21038510 4KEK Hillary Clinton's New TV Show #Suicide She Wrote MP4 may be related?

>>21038535 TRUMP TRUTH also @16:24

>>21038548 #25796-A

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:24 p.m. No.21038784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>other Baker


>You were Deceived, Tricked, Fooled, Hoodwinked, bamboozled


i think baker iphop for that one to cuase further fawkery, but who knows. let it ride and eyes out bv 07



Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.21038808   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Nothing MSM is going in Notables.

>sorry that is not your call


You wanted to bake, so now you bake and do as anons ask, that is the hierarchy here, or handoff and someone else will

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:31 p.m. No.21038824   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>BV, you did it by the book, those morans are clowns.

Bv did do it by the book and still this baker calling lb baker a clown will get his ass handed to him, personally if need be

ty for your consideration also anon

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.21038855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9026


I dont think the baker is rational. he started first words with insults, then used victimhood the rest of the time.


id rather beat his ass at this point, but hey thats anon

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 2:50 p.m. No.21038935   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How about let Baker Baker.

Sure anon and at what point do i call out fuckery? before it happens or after?


btw lots of prior fuckery from baker atm.

>first bread?

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 3:06 p.m. No.21039040   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>& Unless this is your first day,

it is not, thus the reason for my own questioning of the events.


but do know this baker aint right.

first words out his mouth are insults

second refuses anon buns as paytriots

finally, notables so symbolic who can read them?


Clown show and he needs to be on his meds confirmed

call for note taker for him at least kek

Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.21039106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Because you're a violent freak, like all Clowns.

damn still calling victim hood nigger

and yes anon is violent, you should not push anon towards it as i do not condone violence less i have to, but you already know that dont ya shillanigga, thats why the first words out your mouth was to call anon a clown


oss clown show confirmed



Anonymous ID: 1dfff0 June 17, 2024, 3:25 p.m. No.21039140   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9151


gerbilbaker had bake lb and handed to medbaker, confusion incurred where as gerbil baker misread handoff from other shill hop. 2 bakes were born.


this is legit baker, but medbaker seems off his meds tonight