Anonymous ID: 278fde June 17, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.21039121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9197

Canada #59 >>21037829

At the Same Time Biden Lost US Airbases in Niger the former US Ally was Negotiating Sale of 300 Tons of Yellowcake Uranium with Iran

by Jim Hoft June 16, 2024


At the same time the Biden Administration managed to lose important US airbases paid for by US taxpayers in Niger, the former US ally was negotiating refined uranium deal with the Iranian regime.


Niger cemented an alliance with Iran with a secret yellowcake uranium deal in April.


This was around the same time Niger authorities decided to force US military personnel from the country. The US invested over $100 million in just one airbase in the country!


It is impossible to adequately explain how dangerous Joe Biden’s anti-American regime has been to global stability.


Our Gateway Pundit friend Banafsheh Zand reported at Iran International:


Recent reporting suggests that after covert negotiations, Iran and Niger have agreed on a $56 million deal to see Tehran acquire 300 tons of refined uranium.


First reported by the France-based media outlet Africa Intelligence in late April, it was revealed that Niger’s military junta had engaged in “secret negotiations” with Iran for the delivery of 300 tons of yellowcake in exchange for drones and surface-to-air missiles.


Yellowcake is a concentrated form of uranium oxide, appearing as a yellowish powder. It is produced from uranium ore and serves as an intermediate step in making nuclear fuel or weapons.


French newspaper Le Monde has since corroborated the clandestine negotiations – and reports that the specific type of uranium is produced in the mines belonging to a French company.


Uranium, Le Monde reported, is Niger’s most important export product and comes from mines that have been exploited since 1971 by the French group Orano in Arlit, located in north-central Niger.


Niger’s Junta government has denied the secret negotiations and agreement.


According to Africa Intelligence, as part of the agreement, Tehran would provide large-capacity generators to Niamey to address Niger’s energy deficit and support agricultural conversion efforts. These initiatives were launched by the new government, which came to power in a coup d’état on July 26, 2023.


This comes after the Biden administration agreed in May to remove the remaining US troops from Niger by September. The approximately 1,000 troops will leave the two US military bases in the country to the new regime.


Russian forces are already in the country and actually share the same base as US troops.