Anonymous ID: c1a8cc June 17, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.21039119   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nice thought anon, but I have an acute observation that nullifies this White Pill.


Liberals and commies do NOT have a moral code nor do they see to have any obligation to community other than Individual Virtue Signaling.


Of course these people would NEVER serve the country they hate and seek to destroy BUT this absolutely does Not mean they won’t vote in policies that are in direct confrontation to their own values. They will vote in according to virtue signaling/party lines. They are That Fucked in the head.


So they will absolutely vote in a draft for women if it means brownie points to their self delusion of grandeur. Just like they vote to allow boys into girls sports or vote out their own city police department or vote to house a bunch of illegal aliens into their communities.


But I will add to anons white pill that this will make people teetering on the edge of liberalism to swing to the right, though. But hard core libs? 8% are lost as Q has said.