Anonymous ID: c616b2 June 17, 2024, 1:57 p.m. No.21038606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8625

NBC News Reporter Colludes With Judge To Takedown Michael Patrick Leahy's Reporting on the murdering the children in TN. The judge hasn’t said why she is taking him to court. Judge Leshia Miles.


Leahy got a hold of legally Audry Elizabth Hale’s writing.June 5, 2024 he legally obtained her journals, documents, crime scene photos.Published a series of stories, but we didn’t publish any of those docs. A local Affiliate NBC news filed the complaint==, that wanted to publish this info and is trying to put him in jail. There’s no such court orders to use my First Amendment Rights. He was never judged with Contempt of Court.


The killer had been under psychiatric care at Vanderbilt University for 22 years. Vanderbilt University, knew she wanted to kill her father and to shoot up a school and never reported it (notes from police). It seems like Vanderbilt University MKULTRA practiced on this person.

She was taking a number of SSRI drugs.


The Judge is intentionally slow walking the entire case.



Anonymous ID: c616b2 June 17, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.21038625   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Leahy said you can go to Tennessee Star and use this link to see all the articles on The Covenant School Shooting.We should download them now before the Judge or others try to take them down:


Covenant School Shooting