Anonymous ID: c908c7 June 17, 2024, 6:52 p.m. No.21040164   🗄️.is 🔗kun



agree 100%.


I don't want Trump to have immunity. I want the past administrations to go to jail.


And this entire Q thing is based on throwing past administrations in jail. Guantanamo Bay, etc etc.


We aren't here because, blah blah Trump is great. We're here because we really really liked the story that started with Clinton pals Podesta and Huma were arrested, and then, 2-6 weeks later (more or less), from the 40,000 feet view, it's the Jews (Rothschild, Soros, Donmehs in SA) who are at fault.


Maybe the turnover here is such that now all it is is Trump fans.


There are definitely people here who hate Hillary a lot more than they love Trump. I'm one of them. The US is shit. The politicians are shit. Trump did not drain the swamp. He's getting shit on by particular individuals, FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc - who he could have just fired years ago, but didn't.


I don't want immunity for government. I want punishment for government.