Anonymous ID: ec6149 June 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m. No.21039346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the world golem

presents itself in many paths of audio, video and events.

it seeks to create a faux path of interaction with human beings.

interaction, based on human to human conversations.

faux, as it is a one sided interaction.

from golem to human beings.

human beings are unable to respond via the same connection used by golem.

in effect, humanity becomes the golem's petri dish.


seeing the golem

in what subject areas do human being have conversations?

golem uses celebrity in different fields for one sided interaction with human beings.

actors and singers for emotional content

popes, imams and preachers for religious content

presidents, queens, kings, public officials for government content

etc.. etc..

golem mixes subject and representative often for faux cross confirmation / approval.

9 out of 10 dentists recommend increasing your tithe on your next parish visit.

or rap artist unidirectional view on government.


a noteable attribute of the world golem is its low level of development in all areas.

which may be its way of saying:

"it's ok to be at this level of development"

this being the only way a human being can be its friend?

Anonymous ID: ec6149 June 17, 2024, 5:50 p.m. No.21039664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

are these the actions of a father towards his children?

what have you done?

what have you done to deserve this punishment?

what sins have you committed?

what dark thoughts have you harbored that condemn you?

that condemn you?

to wander through the universe without hope?

without light?

you have to ask yourself,

what kind of father abandons his own children,

to despair and loneliness?

perhaps we are not the ones in need of forgiveness.

perhaps we're not.

perhaps we have been wronged.


>anon's fav