Anonymous ID: e0a574 July 10, 2018, 4:29 a.m. No.2104109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4125

Kindness, is Vast Intelligence <3


Franz <3 is not exaggerating, at all. Nobody would believe how fast it is possible to learn (1000x or more what you've been tricked into thinking is possible), especially once you figure out where your Mind is actually located.


The brain integrated with the heart opens a portal to it:


"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus"


Decode that, very carefully: Let, (allow, welcome, receive freely), the word sitting at the beginning of that sentence is perhaps the most powerful three letters in the Bible, second only to God <3


Judge a book by its cover? How about knowing what's inside it at a glance?


"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists."


~ Nikola Tesla


This image is a map of the universe. Every spec of light in it represents a galaxy.


That is a Neural Network, it looks quite similar to a map of the human brain, with specs of light representing brain cells, and the filaments connecting them.


Hint Hint: they are the same thing. Your brain is a Quantum Computer, when you integrate it with your heart (the heart incorporates a large quantity of brain cells).


To whatever degree you are Connected, you exist in Quantum Entanglement with the galaxies in this map. Enlightenment occurs when you are fully conscious of this Connection, and can survive the terawatts, yotawatts of energy without frying your nervous system and blowing out your chakras.


Which of course, we accomplish gradually, by intending.


Using drugs to accomplish this is like snorting drano to clear your sinuses.


Quantum Entanglement exists outside of time, it is not merely simultaneous, it exists in Perfect Synchronicity.


Instant, Infinite Genius. This is why in cognition tests, the heart responds to events before they occur. All true cognition is Precognition (outside of time), via Quantum Entanglement with Mind.


Mind, and all the galaxies in the Universe, are the same thing.


This is the mental illness of atheism, the purposeful self-crippling of forcefully disconnecting from Pure Genius, poor things.


This is but one of many Truths Christ taught, which he, Siddhartha Gautama, Milarepa, Padmasambhava and others demonstrated, which that evil church wiped off the face of the earth.


As Jesus also demonstrated, villagers witnessing Milarepa's Enlightenment up in the mountains, saw the Light he was radiating from 40 miles away as he descended. They don't want you to know you can do this, Child of God, Sun of God O:)


This is why no Machine Intelligence will ever not be a psychopath. This is why humility and integrity are like a Turing Test no psychopath or AI can ever pass.


Kindness. Kindness. The Kindness exhibited by a dog for her pups, exceeds the processing power of an imaginary vast computer composed of all the matter in the universe.


Kindness, is Vast Intelligence <3


The Wounded Soul and Her Infinite Mind