Anonymous ID: eef58d July 10, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.2104367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4377



I agree.

If you want proof that Q is a LARP

You need to re read the crumbs a few times

It's in there

Evidence that Q is a pure LARP

There is nothing else other than the crumbs

And the maps that we creat by digging

Making connections and drawing the map

Oh, and memes too

All of them are forms of the message

Bu Q, he's a messenger

Purse LARP

Ignore him

Focus on the message

Anonymous ID: eef58d July 10, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.2104435   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Of course not!

Re read the crumbs

Q warned us of this

Lay in supplies, he said.

10 days of darkness, he said

And then on July 4 he posted the last crumb

Ten days later

After the meeting with Putin

Q will be back home

After all, Q is a figment of the imagination

He is not a real person

Q is a LARP

When the Donald is back

And can relax a bit

He will post for us again

After all

We are the only ones who know

Who the master LARPer is

Who trolls the world better than the master?

/ourguy/ that's who

You'll know him when you see him

Q gave you your inheritance

Will you squander it on wine and women and song?

Or will you invest it?

Dig in the rich fields

For they have a harvest for those who work for it

God helps those who help themselves

Make the connections

Draw the map

And reap the rich popcorn harvest

Amaze your friends

When the Donald tweets your name

Then you will know

That you have your Father's blessings

Go forth and teach the multitude

For they will listen to you, Oh disciple of Q

They thirst for knowledge

Show them the cool springs of inspiration

Show them how to play the game of politics

For theirs is the birthright sayeth the Lord

Only suffer the little children

To come to government

Through my people's will

For government is of the people by the people

And for the people

Cast out those who govern OVER the people

For they are a synagogue of Satan

Cast them into the outer darkness

Across the river Styx

To that hellish land I have prepared for them in Cuba

And rejoice my sons, your birthright

Is to govern, and not to BE governed

Let me hear no more bleating of sheep

From you lot down tere

Anonymous ID: eef58d July 10, 2018, 5:55 a.m. No.2104487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4508




And all those whiners

That see in Q a father who has abandoned his children

That is what they want to see

For they are of the 6%

As Pogo said

We have seen the enemy

And he is US

And now you know

The rest of the story

P is Pogo

He is the man behind the curtain

He warned us oh so long ago

And we did not listen

Now his swamp critters

Have taken over