Anonymous ID: f9ef47 June 18, 2024, 1:01 a.m. No.21041573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1585 >>1698 >>1775 >>1779

Smartphone stroke detection breakthrough announced by Australian team


A new technology that allows smartphones to identify strokes far quicker than existing methods has been developed by researchers in Australia.


The new technology uses artificial intelligence as it scans a patient’s face for symmetry and certain muscle movements, which are called action units. People who have suffered a stroke often have one side of their face looking different from the other.


The biomedical engineers at Melbourne’s RMIT University say the smartphone technology can detect facial asymmetry, potentially identifying strokes within seconds - much sooner and more precisely than current technologies.


Professor Dinesh Kumar, who led the research team, explained to Australian Broadcasting Corp. how the AI-driven device works.


“It takes a video of a person who is doing a smile, and the model determines whether this particular smile is indicative of (a) person who has had a stroke," Kumar said. "We then inform the paramedic or the clinician who is aware of the very high risk of this person having a stroke and, thus, can be treated immediately.”