Yacht is “Dream Weaver” listed out of ‘George Town’ (spelled incorrectly)
Guy by the tender was one of BC’s advisors.
I seem to recall anons ID’d the guy by the tender as Doug Band?
ty boatfag.
Thanks anon. Neber seent that pic of him with Ghislaine. o7
>Could it be that this guy (pic1) is Sussmann
Not gonna say no, but only member anons sayin it was Doug Band.
gm you!
gm n Habby Tuesday.
‘bout 6 inches?
>They seem a little moar spammy than usual this morning.
Speak for yerself. All this spammin’s got me appetite up for a noice plate of eggs n spam with a side o’ toast. And keep the covfefe comin’
Kinda reminds…think Melania got idea for her Egypt look from that movie?
Amen. GB on him.