Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.21043484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"IDF Knew in Advance About Hamas Plan to Kidnap 250 Israelis—Then Things Went Terribly Wrong"



The document, which was compiled in the Gaza Division, outlined Hamas's intentions and was known to top intelligence officials, according to a report by Kan News.


The document, titled "Detailed End-to-End Raid Training," was distributed on September 19, 2023, and described in detail the series of exercises conducted by Hamas's elite units.


These exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip.


These exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip.


According to The Post, the report by Kan News reads, in part:


Security sources told Kan News that the document was known to the intelligence leadership, at the very least in the Gaza Division. Israeli intelligence officials who monitored the exercise detailed in the document the next steps [of Hamas] after breaching into Israel and taking over the posts, determining that the instruction is to hand over the captured soldiers to the company commanders. The expected number of hostages, it states, is between 200 and 250 people.




why the Israeli government hasn't been toppled yet is beyond me.

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 8:50 a.m. No.21043519   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the board is used to haze the anon between constant spam, constant threats, and psychological operations.

it might even be that each anon sees a different version of the board depending on their dossier.

there is an adolscent bunch of agency operators who think that they rule here.

they even post stuff like 'no one cares if bakers bully anons' and expect everyone to bow to their cray-cray.

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 8:52 a.m. No.21043527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the last vestages of French imperialism.

it's a great destination for jade elites so France won't give it up easily.



Macron urges New Caledonia residents to lift roadblocks after weeks of unrest


Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:12 a.m. No.21043621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"French Far-Left Politician Suggests ‘Eradicating’ Right-Wing Populists"


they are blaming women's undergarments from some apparal company named after a Viennese psychologist who promoted cocaine use to make people feel better.

"Despite her apparent Freudian slip of “eradicating” her political opponents, Autain is actually seen as one of the more moderate voices in the far-left LFI party, having criticised leadership for refusing to label Hamas as a terrorist group.



Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:19 a.m. No.21043655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3826

" Celtics Duck Boat rolling rally to be held Friday after heat breaks "


if you ever wanted to visit Boston and have a great day of it Friday, when they do the Duck Boat parade for the Celtics, would be a good day to come.


Dave Loggins

"Please Come to Boston"

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:22 a.m. No.21043663   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3677


truth or

odious spam designed to actual stiffle the board by making it hard to sift through all the noise, a method known as censorship through information overload.

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.21043738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3744 >>3757 >>3816 >>3913



from Jerzey Kosiński's

Wikipedia page. Seems like typical to his genre of narrative there are many who doubt his far fetched stories, and even call him a fake or a plagiarist.


"According to Eliot Weinberger, an American writer, essayist, editor and translator, Kosiński was not the author of The Painted Bird. Weinberger alleged in his 2000 book Karmic Traces that Kosiński was not fluent in English at the time of its writing.[20]


In a review of Jerzy Kosiński: A Biography by James Park Sloan, D.G. Myers, associate professor of English at Texas A&M University wrote "For years Kosinski passed off The Painted Bird as the true story of his own experience during the Holocaust. Long before writing it he regaled friends and dinner parties with macabre tales of a childhood spent in hiding among the Polish peasantry. Among those who were fascinated was Dorothy de Santillana, a senior editor at Houghton Mifflin, to whom Kosiński confided that he had a manuscript based on his experiences. Upon accepting the book for publication, Santillana said 'It is my understanding that, fictional as the material may sound, it is straight autobiography'. Although he backed away from this claim, Kosiński never wholly disavowed it."[21]


M.A. Orthofer addressed Weinberger's assertion: "Kosinski was, in many respects, a fake – possibly near as genuine a one as Weinberger could want. (One aspect of the best fakes is the lingering doubt that, possibly, there is some authenticity behind them – as is the case with Kosinski.) Kosinski famously liked to pretend he was someone he wasn't (as do many of the characters in his books), he occasionally published under a pseudonym, and, apparently, he plagiarized and forged left and right."[22]


Kosiński addressed these claims in the introduction to the 1976 reissue of The Painted Bird, saying that "Well-intentioned writers, critics, and readers sought facts to back up their claims that the novel was autobiographical. They wanted to cast me in the role of spokesman for my generation, especially for those who had survived the war; but for me, survival was an individual action that earned the survivor the right to speak only for himself. Facts about my life and my origins, I felt, should not be used to test the book's authenticity, any more than they should be used to encourage readers to read The Painted Bird. Furthermore, I felt then, as I do now, that fiction and autobiography are very different modes."[23]

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:37 a.m. No.21043744   🗄️.is 🔗kun


more from that Wikipedia page:


Plagiarism allegations


In June 1982, a Village Voice report by Geoffrey Stokes and Eliot Fremont-Smith alleged Kosiński wrote The Painted Bird in Polish, and had it secretly translated into English. The report claimed that Kosiński's books had been ghost-written by "assistant editors", finding stylistic differences among Kosiński's novels. Kosiński, according to them, had depended upon his freelance editors for "the sort of composition that we usually call writing." American biographer James Sloan notes that New York poet, publisher and translator George Reavey claimed to have written The Painted Bird for Kosiński.[24]


The article found a more realistic picture of Kosiński's life during the Holocaust – a view which was supported by biographers Joanna Siedlecka and Sloan. The article asserted that The Painted Bird, assumed to be semi-autobiographical, was largely a work of fiction. The information showed that rather than wandering the Polish countryside, as his fictional character did, Kosiński spent the war years in hiding with Polish Catholics.


Terence Blacker, an English publisher (who helped publish Kosiński's books) and author of children's books and mysteries for adults, wrote an article published in The Independent in 2002:


The significant point about Jerzy Kosiński was that…his books…had a vision and a voice consistent with one another and with the man himself. The problem was perhaps that he was a successful, worldly author who played polo, moved in fashionable circles and even appeared as an actor in Warren Beatty's Reds. He seemed to have had an adventurous and rather kinky sexuality which, to many, made him all the more suspect. All in all, he was a perfect candidate for the snarling pack of literary hangers-on to turn on. There is something about a storyteller becoming rich and having a reasonably full private life that has a powerful potential to irritate so that, when things go wrong, it causes a very special kind of joy.[25]


Journalist John Corry wrote a 6,000-word feature article in The New York Times in November 1982, responding and defending Kosiński, which appeared on the front page of the Arts and Leisure section. Among other things, Corry alleged that reports claiming that "Kosinski was a plagiarist in the pay of the C.I.A. were the product of a Polish Communist disinformation campaign."[26]


In an essay published in New York in 1999, Kosiński's sometime lover, Laurie Stieber, wrote that he incorporated passages from her letters into the revised and expanded 1981 edition of his 1973 novel The Devil Tree, without asking her. "The allegations in the Voice," wrote Stieber, "combined with what I knew to be true about the revised edition of The Devil Tree, left me with a gnawing mistrust in all aspects of our relationship. I hadn’t wavered, however, from my opinion that he was an extraordinary intellectual and philosopher, a brilliant storyteller and, yes, writer. But ego, and the fear of having his credibility strip-searched by erudite Polish or Russian editors, were behind his insistence on writing in English rather than using translators. By borrowing too greedily, Jerzy inadvertently wrote the Village Voice article himself."[27]


In 1988, Kosiński wrote The Hermit of 69th Street, in which he sought to demonstrate the absurdity of investigating prior work by inserting footnotes for practically every term in the book.[28] "Ironically," wrote theatre critic Lucy Komisar, "possibly his only true book … about a successful author who is shown to be a fraud."[28]


Despite repudiation of the Village Voice allegations of plagiarism in detailed articles in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and other publications, Kosiński remained tainted. "I think it contributed to his death," said Zbigniew Brzezinski, a friend and fellow Polish emigrant.[6] "


"Kosiński was friends with Roman Polanski" followed by sensational narrative about almost being there when . . .


Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:42 a.m. No.21043773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3782 >>3801 >>3825



I'm just an independant person who lurks here and monitors the board as a Patriot.

I get no income from it and I get a lot of flack from very horrid agency scripts and bots.

you're just wrong about me.

If fact I often critsize Israeli apartheid and that stuff is left alone.

and I've been known to discuss the ADL and how fraudulent they are.

non of that would be called 'antisemetic' except by someone who doesn't deal in truth.

PS your 'truth truth truth' argument gets an arrow right through it by the statement 'by their fruits ye shall know them'.

and those who do that 'you don't like the truth' bit here are ALWAYS just conflict mongering: the fruit that they are trying to grow is discord and conflict.


so you're wrong.

you can apologize.

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:48 a.m. No.21043809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3840


how is suggesting that someone who has slandered me apologizing a demand?

it's not.

it would be good for that person to do it so he can atone for it.

as far as I am concerned, it's all up to him.

I try to keep it civil even when faced with people who take a hyperbolic stance on everything that is posted here.

how dare you use Nicholas Cage's visage as your sock puppet.

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.21043820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3833


gosh, you think you calling him that has anything to do with it?

nothing you post is of any value except as a way to sow conflict, and hence Dart removes it.

You engage in censorship through flooding the breads with hateful content making them odious.

Like it or not the ones (and I'm not one of them) who run the bread get to decide what they do or do not want to leave and

you know this.

and yet you do it anyway.

so you crying about it is just you trying to sow conflict.

why not post something that isn't slanderous or offensive, or hateful, or degenerate?

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 9:59 a.m. No.21043851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3883


saying some person who happens to also be a Jewish person is doing such and such thing that I find incorrect and/or immoral is NOT antisemetic.

one person only represents themself.

as far as AIPAC goes why would I kick the hornet's nest?

and as far as the Talmud: I dont read Hebrew and so I'd have to read a translation.

and all the stuff in there that is said to be 'bad' might be just in there so that mensches can ascertain how their students react to stuff that is horrible.

like when Jezibel decided to have the guy murdered so her husband could steal the vinyard: the scripture isn't presenting that as behavior to be emulated.

Anonymous ID: ea97b3 June 18, 2024, 10:11 a.m. No.21043922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3932 >>3949



using slang put down words.

trying to start a fight.

trying to smear everyone else on the board.

playing the 'you are not OK' tactic.

what else?

I'll be filtering you now as you are trying merely to grow conflict and I'll just weed it out of my sight.

PS: no anon speaks for all the other anon and all the anon seem to know this thus you are NOT an anon.