closer we get to election dates the moar they can spin our attempts to expel/recall/impeach appear 'unfair'
there comes a point where elections become a better place to focus
unfortunately waiting for elections gives swamp moar time to do as they will
it becomes a final info push to gain the last of open-minded listening Normies
i suppose think of it like doing their homework
ALL should be researching their leaders but many won't/can't do that so its up to us to 'do their homework'
make rinos obvious for each state
help Normies understand that all dem leaders are weak/corrupt as shown by their votes
Normies like to blame Rs
even Newbies like to blame Rs but bad legislation would not exist if dems didn't vote together
Normies need to understand 'remove all dem leaders and rinos also'
how to make them understand this is our mission
many dif strategies for many dif ppl
fake news will make it seem like our efforts are wasted
elections will show us our results
some elections will be cheated?
what is the counter for swamp trying to cheat elections?
swamp can cheat close elections so win elections overwhelmingly
>Normies need to understand 'remove all dem leaders and rinos also'
work together, ask others for help; tell others to tell others = exponential
use our best leaders to know the best moves
some moves are 50/50
some votes are only to expose rinos (we know senate won't impeach mayorkas but the vote results show who is for mayorkas and who is against; thas the info that Normies need to understant to realize all dem leaders are for mayorkas and Rs are trying to close the border by removing mayorkas)
this is the final push but remain calm; remind ppl no violence
its like the 4th quarter, would Jordan take it easy in the 4th Quarter or 'leave it all on the court'?
thank you ALL who share info during information war
dig meme PRAY